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Polar Bear Name the adaptations this animal uses to survive.

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2 Polar Bear Name the adaptations this animal uses to survive.

3 Polar Bears have thick white fur
Polar Bears have thick white fur. This helps them blend in with the snow and keeps them warm. Polar Bears also have thick, rough, sand-paper like paws. These help them to grip slippery ice.

4 Cheetah Name the adaptations this animal uses to survive.

5 The cheetah has a light frame and long legs that help with agility and speed for catching prey.
The cheetah has spots that give it the ability to use camouflage to hide from their prey.

6 Elephant Name the adaptations this animal uses to survive.

7 The elephant’s trunk is prehensile, which means it can grab
The elephant’s trunk is prehensile, which means it can grab. This is used for gathering and eating food. Male elephants have tusks. They use them to fight of predators and to move objects.

8 Camel Name the adaptations this animal uses to survive.

9 The camel has a hump, which is used to store food.
Padded Feed, stop the camel from sinking into the sand and protect there feet from the heat of the ground

10 Giraffe Name the adaptations this animal uses to survive.

11 The giraffe’s long neck enables it to eat leaves from tall trees.
It’s neck also allows them to see and alert other animals of approaching trouble.

12 Different types of Bird Beaks
Label how each beak is used.

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