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Camel report. Walk slowly to the cart in a single file line.

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Presentation on theme: "Camel report. Walk slowly to the cart in a single file line."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camel report

2 Walk slowly to the cart in a single file line.

3 You will be handed a laptop.

4 Hold the laptop securely with two hands.

5 Place the laptop on the desk.

6 Be sure the laptop is securely placed on the desk.

7 Remain in your seat from this point on!!

8 Do not open the laptop until directed to do so.

9 Push the button on the front of the laptop to open it.

10 Absolutely do not touch the screen.

11 Do not lift the laptop by the screen!

12 Always hold it by the base.

13 Push the circle button over the keyboard to start the laptop.

14 Be patient. It takes a moment for the laptop to boot up.

15 Touch the mouse pad and keyboard gently.

16 Press the ctrl, alt and delete buttons at the same time.

17 Type in PFE. Press return.

18 Now you get to wait a little more.

19 Press the little oval button on the right side of the computer.

20 The cd rom drive will pop out.

21 Insert the CD. Press it in gently.

22 Push the cd rom drive back in.

23 Click on play using windows media player.

24 Watch the video.

25 use the pause button when you find a fact to record. =

26 Press the pause button again when you want to resume the video.

27 Your goal is to record ten facts about dromedary camels.

28 Click on the x at the top of the windows media player window when you’re finished.

29 Remove the disc.

30 Close the cd rom drive.

31 Click on start. Choose shut down. Press return.

32 Gently close the lid.

33 Pick up the laptop securely with two hands.

34 Line up to return the laptop to the cart.

35 Wonderful job!!

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