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Books of the Bible Bible Book Sermons Dr. Gary C. Woods.

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Presentation on theme: "Books of the Bible Bible Book Sermons Dr. Gary C. Woods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Books of the Bible Bible Book Sermons Dr. Gary C. Woods

2 The Bible portrays Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World He is risen

3 Genesis The Method of Faith

4 Exodus Design for Deliverance

5 Leviticus The Way to Wholeness

6 Numbers The Incomplete Spiritual Life

7 Deuteronomy The Law that Delivers

8 Joshua Guidebook to Victory

9 Judges The Pattern of Defeat

10 Ruth The Romance of Redemption

11 1 Samuel The Death of the Flesh

12 2 Samuel The Story of David

13 1 Kings How to Lose a Kingdom

14 2 Kings A Wasted Life

15 1 Chronicles David and the Ark of God

16 2 Chronicles God's King in God's House

17 Ezra The Way Back

18 Nehemiah Rebuilding the Wall

19 Esther A Queen under Control

20 Job The Hardest Question

21 Psalms The Heart of Worship

22 Proverbs The Way of Wisdom

23 Ecclesiastes The Inspired Book of Error

24 The Song of Songs A Love Song

25 Isaiah The Salvation of the Lord

26 Jeremiah Profile of Courage

27 Lamentations The Therapy of Trouble

28 Ezekiel Wheels, Bones, and Restoration

29 Daniel The Way to the Future

30 Hosea The Prophet and the Prostitute

31 Joel The Revelation of God's Hand

32 Amos God doesn't Play Favorites

33 Obadiah Death to Edom!

34 Jonah The Reluctant Ambassador

35 Micah Who is like God!

36 Nahum The Terrible Wrath of God

37 Habakkuk History is in God's Hands

38 Zephaniah The Day of the Lord's Wrath

39 Haggai Some Words to Discouraged Workers

40 Zechariah You return to Me,and I'll return to You!

41 Malachi Think Upon His Name

42 Matthew Behold Your King

43 Mark He Came to Serve

44 Luke The Perfect Man

45 John Who is this Man?

46 Acts An Unfinished Story

47 Romans The Message of Romans

48 1 Corinthians The Secret of our Hope

49 2 Corinthians Jesus is the Triumphant One

50 Galatians Don't Submit Again to the Slave's Yoke

51 Ephesians The Calling of the Saints

52 Philippians The Secret of Joy

53 Colossians The Power to Endure with Joy

54 1 Thessalonians Waiting for the Rapture

55 2 Thessalonians Waiting for the Rapture, part 2

56 1 Timothy The Pastor's Primer

57 2 Timothy How Not to Collapse

58 Titus Truth and Proof

59 Philemon A Brother Gained

60 Hebrews All About Faith

61 James The Activity of Faith

62 1 Peter Suffering and Glory

63 2 Peter In the Face of Falsehood

64 1 John The Fruit of Fellowship with Christ

65 2 John The Vital Balance

66 3 John A Tale of Three Men

67 Jude Contending for the Faith

68 Revelation T he King Is Coming


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