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Junior/Senior Guidance September 2013 Welcome. Counseling Staff Amanda Breeden 469.742.8713 All Students A-F Lissa Testa469.742.8709 All Students G-M.

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Presentation on theme: "Junior/Senior Guidance September 2013 Welcome. Counseling Staff Amanda Breeden 469.742.8713 All Students A-F Lissa Testa469.742.8709 All Students G-M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior/Senior Guidance September 2013 Welcome

2 Counseling Staff Amanda Breeden 469.742.8713 All Students A-F Lissa Testa469.742.8709 All Students G-M Lance Hendrick469.742.8714 All Students N-Z Addison Snyder469.742.8716 College & Career A-K Randy Trevino469-742-8799 College & Career L-Z Debbie Barnes 469.742.8710Registrar Wendy Herring469.742.8711Office Coordinator

3 TRANSCRIPTS Transcripts- PLEASE CHECK CAREFULLY - Middle School grades - Summer school, CBE, Correspondence, etc. - GPA - Class rank - Top 10% rule


5 Credit Checks & Graduation Plans 26 credits required for graduation Distinguished, Recommended Both are college-bound plans

6 Graduation Plans - Side by Side Recommended Distinguished English4.0 4.0 Mathematics 4.0 4.0 Science 4.0 4.0 Social Studies 4.0 4.0 Lovejoy Leadership (speech)0.5 0.5 Heatlh 0.5 0.5 Fine Arts1.0 1.0 Physical Education 1.0 1.0 Technology 1.0 1.0 Foreign Language 2.0 3.0 Additional Electives 4.0 3.0 TOTAL CREDITS26 26 ***The Distinguished Plan requires 4 advanced measures

7 Distinguished Achievement Diploma (DAP) What is an Advanced Measure? A student needs any 4 of the following: A Junior year PSAT score that designates them as commended or higher A score of 3 or higher on an AP test (each score is one advanced measure) A college academic course and Tech Prep articulated college course with a grade of 3.0 or higher (each 3.0 is one advanced measure) An original research project judged by a panel of professionals in the field (only 2 projects can be used and the senior project would qualify as one)

8 Additional Graduation Requirements Class of 2014 Senior Project TAKS Tests Class of 2015 Senior Project STAAR Tests

9 GPA GPA Table – page 14 of the Course Guide (Lovejoy High School Webpage – Academics and Schedules – Course Guide) GPA Table Rank GPA vs Official GPA

10 Exclusions  Students must earn the 26 credits required for graduation. For each additional credit earned beyond the required 26, students may exclude a maximum of eight semester grades from his/her GPA calculation. Excluded grades may not include the required 26 credits.  Some classes are automatically excluded Off Campus PE Correspondence Classes Summer School Dual Credit Classes ASC or CAT classes Math Labs Audited Classes

11 Exclusions Possible exclusions Electives Fine Arts Technology LOTE 5 th math or science class

12 Exclusions – Timeline Class of 2014 First Time – June 2013 Both Rank and Official GPA Second Time – January 2014 Both Rank and Official GPA Third Time – After the 5 th six weeks 2014 Rank GPA only (this locks the rank for graduation) Fourth Time – June 2014 Official GPA only for final transcript Class of 2015 First Time – June 2014 Both Rank and Official GPA Second Time – January 2015 Both Rank and Official GPA Third Time – After the 5 th six weeks 2015 Rank GPA only (this locks the rank for graduation) Fourth Time – June 2015 Official GPA only for final transcript

13 Testing  PSAT – October 16, 2013  STAAR – ELA – March 31 – April 3, 2014; Math, Sci, SS – May 5-16, 2014  AP Tests – May 5-16, 2014  SAT, ACT, SAT II (Subject Tests) (Schedule your own tests ) 

14 Tips for Academic Success Your student should: Email teachers when absent or having difficulty in a class Contact counselors about classes or other concerns Use an academic planner or something else to organize assignments (time management) Attend LHS tutorials Utilize the CAT – Center for Academic Training Math and Science tutorials are available daily Look at Power School each week and share the information with parents Get enough sleep!

15 Important Dates Open House – September 9, 2013 6:00 – 6:30 Parent meeting for 9 th and 10 th grade 6:30 – 8:00 Open House - Follow student schedule to all classes (all grades) College Fair – September 11, 2013 1:00 – 3:00 -- Main Gym

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