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By Satyadhar Joshi.  Examples of some roots  From Nova & Barrons.

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Presentation on theme: "By Satyadhar Joshi.  Examples of some roots  From Nova & Barrons."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Satyadhar Joshi

2  Examples of some roots  From Nova & Barrons

3  Mythologies  Gods, heroes, Demi Gods

4  be : through  Example  Bedaub  smear with something that spoils: to smear a surface thickly or carelessly with something that spoils it or makes it dirty (literary)

5  Per through, completely  Permeable  Pervade:  1. (esp. of a smell) Spread through and be perceived in every part of.  2. (of an influence, feeling, or quality) Be present and apparent throughout.

6  Prim means first  Primordial: [14th century. < late Latin primordialis < Latin primordium "origin" < primus "first" + ordiri "begin"]  Primogeniture: [Early 17th century. < medieval Latin primogenitura < Latin primus "first" + genitura "birth“]

7  Se means away, aside  Secede means withdraw  Seclude means shun away

8  Suc succumb means yield  succumb: [15th century. Directly or via French < Latin succumbere "lie under" < cumbere "lie“]

9  Sacr means holy  Sacrilegious: [14th century. Via French < Latin sacrilegium "temple robbery" < sacrilegus "collector of sacred things" < sacr- "sacred" + legere "collect“]  Sacrament: [12th century. Via French < Latin sacramentum "soldier's oath, solemn obligation," later "rite, mystery, revelation" < sacr- "sacred"]

10  Philosophy: [Late 17th century. < Sanskrit, past participle of budh- "wake up, be enlightened"] 

11  Tenable: [Late 16th century. < French tenir "to hold"]  Retentive

12  Malevolent: [Early 16th century. Directly or via Old French < Latin malevolent- < male "badly" + volent-, present participle of velle "wish"]  Voluntary: [14th century. < Latin voluntarius < voluntas "will, choice" < vol-, stem of velle "to wish“]

13  Plutocrat : Ruled by Rich

14  Prognosis: [Mid-17th century. Via late Latin < Greek prognōsis "knowledge beforehand" < gignōskein "know“]

15  Nascent

16  Mutineer is a person who rebels  Lecher is a person who lusts  Censor person who deletes improper remarks

17  Ovoid means like a egg  Anthropoid resembling a human being  Spheroid resembling resembling a sphere

18  Renege means deny, go back on one’s word  Renegade turncoat, traiter

19  Mortuary means funeral parlor  Immortal  Moribund

20  Heliotrope is a flower that faces the sun  Heliograph instrument that uses sun’s rays to send signals

21  Premonition foreboding  Admonish warn

22  Demagogue means false leader  Pedagogue means leader of kids

23  Interloper  [Late 16th century. After archaic landloper "vagabond" < Middle Dutch landlooper "land- runner" < loopen "to run"]  1. intruder: an intruder into a place, gathering, or situation 2. interferer: somebody who interferes in other people's affairs, especially for selfish reasons  [Late 16th century. After archaic landloper "vagabond" < Middle Dutch landlooper "land- runner" < loopen "to run"]

24  Travesty: charade, parody, mockery, sham, pretense, farce, caricature  [Mid-17th century. < French travesti "dressed in disguise" < travestir "disguise, ridicule" < Italian travestire < Latin trans- "across" + vestire "clothe, dress" (see vest)]

25  guessing game: a game in which somebody provides a visual or acted clue for a word or phrase, often the title of a book, play, or movie, for others to guess (takes a singular verb)

26  Barron’s  Nova

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