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Invertebrates Eight Major Phyla.

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1 Invertebrates Eight Major Phyla

2 Phylum Porifera Poriferans/Sponges
Contains many pores Grows back together if cut or chopped up

3 Phylum Porifera Poriferans/Sponges
Sexual and asexual reproduction Made of spicules

4 Phylum Cnidaria Cnidarians
Hollow, central body cavity with only one opening (cup shaped) “tube within a tube” Nematocysts – special stinging structures around the mouth

5 Phylum Cnidaria Cnidarians
Sexual and asexual reproduction radial symmetry

6 Phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms
Flat bodies Regeneration – grows part back digestive tract is tube

7 Phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms
Live in ponds and streams, bottom of plants or rocks Some live in animal or human host, others are freeliving

8 Phylum Nematoda Roundworms
                                                                              Resemble strands of spaghetti Live on land or in water Can be parasites

9 Phylum Nematoda Roundworms
Have both a head end and a tail end with a digestive tube for food entrance and exits

10 Phylum Annelida Segmented worms
Ringed Body is divided into several rings or segments – at least 100

11 Phylum Annelida Segmented worms
Setae – bristles that help the worm to move Earthworms’ wastes enrich soil

12 Phylum Arthropoda Largest phyla of all animals
All have jointed legs, exoskeleton, segmented body

13 Crustaceans Shed their exoskeleton (molting)
Live in water and have gills Can regenerate some parts

14 Centipedes and Millipedes
Centipedes have one pair of legs in a segment and are carnivores Millipedes have two sets of legs in a segment and are herbivores

15 Arachnids Bodies are divided into two main sections: A head-chest section and an abdominal section All have 8 legs Only arthropod w/o antennae

16 Insects Body is divided into three main sections: head, thorax (chest), and abdomen Has three pairs of legs, antennae, and most have wings

17 Insects Open circulatory system Shed their exoskeleton as they grow

18 Insects Metamorphosis stage changes (egg to larva to pupa to adult)
Pheromones – powerful chemicals released to attract a mate

19 Phylum Mollusca Mollusks
All have soft bodies All have a mantle to produce shell

20 Univalves/Gastropods (one-shelled)
Live in ocean, freshwater, or on land (need moisture) Radula files off bits of plants

21 Univalves/Gastropods (one-shelled)
Some inject poison, dangerous to people Moves along mucus

22 Bivalves (two-shelled)
Move by clapping the two shells together

23 Bivalves (two-shelled)
Bivalves are often called filter feeders because they spend most of their time straining water for food

24 Tentacled/Cephlopods
Have some part of a shell within their body (except nautilus)

25 Tentacled/Cephalopods
Number of tentacles for capturing food varies Water jet propulsion for movement

26 Phylum Echinodermata Echinoderms
Name means “Spiny-skinned” Regenerate lost/broken body parts

27 Phylum Echinodermata Echinoderms
Water vascular system five-part radial symmetry

28 You are done with the notes.
Now you have everything you NEED to be ready for next week’s test. There is no excuse to do poorly - you have a week to prepare and memorize these facts!

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