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For the use of Swim North West How to prepare for training, a game and tournaments By Water Polo Olympian Glen Robinson and Lancaster senior player Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "For the use of Swim North West How to prepare for training, a game and tournaments By Water Polo Olympian Glen Robinson and Lancaster senior player Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 For the use of Swim North West How to prepare for training, a game and tournaments By Water Polo Olympian Glen Robinson and Lancaster senior player Ryan Pinington

2 For the use of Swim North West Introduction Questions 1.What aspects of your everyday life and training do you think you could improve to have a positive influence on your waterpolo performance? 2. In groups discuss and write down

3 For the use of Swim North West Introduction The key areas we can influence to improve our performance during training and matches: 1.Warm up 2.Recovery & sleep 3.Hydration 4.Nutrition 5.Land training

4 For the use of Swim North West Warm up For every session or match, you must warm up. It is critical to your performance and how quickly you recover after. A good warm up will not only charge your body up, but also increase your overall core temperature; improving your muscles ability to work better and harder. Question 1.Who regularly performs a land warm up before practice and games? 2.What do think should be included in an affective warm up?

5 For the use of Swim North West Warm up. Example warm-up performed as a group 1.Pulse raiser: to raise your body temp and get your body moving 10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, 10 seal jumps, 5 reverse lunges each leg, 10 arm walks 2. Dynamic movement and activation: Increase your range of movement, loosen up any tight muscles and prepare the body for the demands of waterpolo. 10 Iron cross, 10 mountain climbers, 10 press-up plus kneeling, 10 mountain climbers, rotator cuff series YWTI 15 seconds hold each position, 6 side lunges each side, dynamic band shoulder exercises, 10 squat jumps.

6 For the use of Swim North West Recovery Recovery is just as if not more important than warming up. As well as our preparation it is our recovery methods that allow us to continue performing and training especially with short rests. Self massage- This can be done with a foam roller, tennis ball, golf ball etc. Static stretching Both can be done between matches and training sessions to loosen up your muscles and restore movement. Questions 1.Can you name and demonstrate two stretches that would positively improve your recovery? 2.How many hours sleep do you get each night and how many hours do you think your body needs?

7 For the use of Swim North West Hydration Hydration is vital when competing and training. Without sufficient hydration our muscles cannot function to their full potential. There are 3 different types of drinks you can have in order to fully hydrate and prepare yourself for training and competing they are: Hypertonic: this is high concentrate 3:1 ratio of fruit juice to water. for building up energy stores. Isotonic: this is 1:1 ratio fruit juice to water to maintain energy levels and hydration. Hypotonic: this is a 1:3 ratio of fruit juice to water or you can just have water to rehydrate your body after training/competing.

8 For the use of Swim North West Nutrition Questions 1. What are good food choices for someone who is training hard and regularly. 2. Do you find your eating habits and food choices change when you've been training? 3. Do you think the food choices you make can have a positive or negative impact on your performance?

9 For the use of Swim North West Nutrition Good food choices Protein Free range eggs Low fat plain yoghurt Lean ground Turkey chicken Lean ground beef Steaks Pork chops Fish

10 For the use of Swim North West Nutrition Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage Kale Green beans Tomatoes Cucumber Squash Olives Avocados Peppers Spinach Garlic cloves Onions Brussel sprouts Asparagus Vegetables

11 For the use of Swim North West Nutrition Carbohydrates FruitStarch, Whole grains Strawberries bananasSweet potatoes Raspberries LemonsWhite potatoes Mixed beans grapes Oats BlueberriesOrangesJasmine rice Blackberries Brown rice Cherries Basmati rice Apples Whole wheat bread & pasta Rice cakes Puffed rice cereal

12 For the use of Swim North West Nutrition Fats Coconut oilAlmond ButterPeanut butter Macadamia nut oilCashew butterAlmond milk Extra virgin olive oilHazelnut butterFlax seed Mixed nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pistachios etc) Task In your groups put together a 1 day balanced meal plan using the foods list above. Take into consideration on this particular day you have a game at 3pm. What extra food choices would you have pre and post game to help your performance?

13 For the use of Swim North West Land Training Questions 1.What physical attributes do you think you need to be a good waterpolo player? 2.What areas of the game is strength really important? 3.What land strength exercises can we do to improve our performance?

14 For the use of Swim North West Land Training The basic bodyweight exercises Press-ups, pulls, squats, planks The press-up test!! Nominate one member your team to perform 10 good press-ups. Who can demonstrate the best technique?

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