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Fueling Take these steps. Step 1: Learn to VALUE the benefits of FRESH PRODUCE and HEALTHY OILS.

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Presentation on theme: "Fueling Take these steps. Step 1: Learn to VALUE the benefits of FRESH PRODUCE and HEALTHY OILS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fueling Take these steps

2 Step 1: Learn to VALUE the benefits of FRESH PRODUCE and HEALTHY OILS

3 Benefits Essential vitamins and minerals Required for tissue growth and repair Helps maintain your body’s immune system Less soreness and down time

4 Fruits Choices: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, blueberries, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries, cherries, pineapple, mango, lemons, kiwi and apricots. Servings: 1 cup fresh fruit 1 large piece of fruit 8oz fruit juice ½ cup dried fruit

5 Vegetables Choices: sweet potatoes,broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, squash, carrots, dark salad greens, tomatoes, chili peppers, yams, red and green bell peppers. Servings: 1 cup cooked vegetables 2 cups raw vegetables

6 Healthy Oils Choices: nuts, seeds, egg yolks, flax seed oil, shellfish, avocado, garbanzo beans, baby lima beans, pea pods, and peanut butter. Servings: 1 teaspoon oil 1 tablespoon salad dressing

7 Step 2: Select fiber rich STARCHES first and reduce fast digesting SUGARS when inactive

8 Benefits: Good source of carbohydrates and fiber Provides energy to perform your best!

9 Slow Digestive Choices Cooked carrots, corn, grits Grapefruit, apple juice,orange juice Potatoes, yams, beets Peanuts, soy beans, lima beans, chickpeas Tomato soup, black bean soup Pastas, rice, bran cereals and other grains Milk, honey, popcorn, yogurt, sports drinks

10 Fast Digesting Examples French fries, stuffing, hash browns, corn chips White rice, white bread, English muffins Cream of wheat, pop tarts, coco pops, doughnuts Skittles, life savers, cup cakes, jelly beans

11 Step 3: Always VARY your protein sources and select LOWER FAT sources when inactive

12 Lean Protein Choices Egg whites, eggs substitutes Turkey, ham and roast beef deli meats Chicken, turkey, Canadian bacon Shrimp, scallops, salmon, haddock, canned tuna fish Skim milk, fat free cottage cheese, low fat cheese Soy nuts, soy burgers, beans, peas

13 Medium Fat Protein Top loin, beef, rib-eye steak, hot dog, pork chop Fried dish, Canned tuna in oil 2% milk, cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, feta cheese Soymilk, soy yogurt, tofu, tempeh

14 High Fat Protein 75% lean ground beef, beef ribs Spareribs, ground pork, salami Whole milk, cottage cheese, American and Swiss cheese Peanut butter, soy cheese

15 Typical Protein Servings 2 egg whites or 1 egg 8 oz milk or soy milk 3-4 oz beef, Pork, lamb, poultry, fish, shellfish or cheese 1/2 cup cottage cheese 2tbsp. Parmesan cheese or peanut butter 1oz nuts

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