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Pre-Work Exercise Some basic steps to stretch and prepare for work in an effort to reduce sprain and strain injuries.

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2 Pre-Work Exercise Some basic steps to stretch and prepare for work in an effort to reduce sprain and strain injuries

3 Sports Injuries  A statistical study indicated that golfers and volleyball players sustain the most sprain / strain injuries.  Why did athletes in these sports have more problems than those in other activities?

4 Sports Injuries  The study showed that very few golfers and volleyball players stretch before they play!

5 The type of stretching that you need will depend on your activity  Office workers need to stretch hand and arm muscles for keyboard work.  All workers involved in material handling need to stretch arm, leg, and back muscles.  Cold environments increase the need for stretching. Muscles contract and blood flow is usually reduced in cooler temperatures.

6 How long does this pre-work warm-up take?  In most cases, the routine will take no more than ten minutes.  The length of time and the type of stretching will depend on the nature of the job.  The stretching routine should be done immediately before work begins. An extended pause between the stretching and the start of work will cancel the effects of the exercise.

7 Try it!  The exercise routine is not physically demanding and it will help you improve your strength and flexibility.  Try the program and see if you don’t feel and function better.  Just a few minutes at the start of each shift could reduce your chances of being injured and also improve your overall health!

8 Are you ready?  Some examples of pre-work stretching exercises are shown in the following pages.  Remember to start slowly and follow the recommended procedures for the exercise program at your facility.

9 Exercise #1 Shoulder Shrugs  With arms hanging at sides, shrug shoulders upward, and hold.

10 Exercise #2 Shoulder Rolls  With arms hanging at sides, roll shoulders up and back in.

11 Exercise #3 Small Arm Circles  With arms stretched out to sides, make circles 12” in diameter.  First in counter- clockwise direction, then clockwise.

12 Exercise #4 Large Arm Circles  Spread arms out to sides, then roll arms in large full circles.  First in counter-clockwise direction, then clockwise.

13 Exercise #5 Wrist Extension Stretch  Hold arm out to the front with elbow straight.  Bend wrist into extension with help of other hand.  Repeat with arm down.

14 Exercise #6 Wrist Flexion Stretch  Hold arm out to the front with elbow straight.  Bend wrist into flexion with help of other hand.  Repeat with arm down.

15 Exercise #7 High Reach  Stand as tall as possible.  Reach arms up as high as possible.  Come up on tip toes and stretch to maximum height.

16 Exercise #8 Rotation Stretch  Stand as tall as possible.  Reach up and rotate left.  Then to the right.

17 Exercise #9 Side Stretch  Stand as tall as possible.  Clasp hands overhead.  Reach up and stretch to the left.  Then to the right.

18 Exercise #10 Hamstring Stretch  Cross legs keeping the back leg straight.  Bend forward at the hips, do not bend back.  Keep head and shoulders up and back arched.  Bend hips until you feel a stretch in the back leg.  Repeat with other leg.

19 Exercise #11 Power Squat  Stand, forward bend hips to 30 degrees.  Knees bent, keep back arched with head and shoulder up.  Bend hips and knees until you can touch the floor with your finger tips.  Do not bend back.  Return to standing position.

20 Exercise #12 Backward Bends  Hands on hips.  Bend back, shoulders and head backwards.  Return to upright position.

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