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Getting Students Involved in Index 2 Dr. Judy Bolen, Assessment and Accountability Manager, Wylie ISD Kerry Gain, Director of Curriculum, Wylie

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Students Involved in Index 2 Dr. Judy Bolen, Assessment and Accountability Manager, Wylie ISD Kerry Gain, Director of Curriculum, Wylie"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Students Involved in Index 2 Dr. Judy Bolen, Assessment and Accountability Manager, Wylie ISD Kerry Gain, Director of Curriculum, Wylie ISD @WISDCurriculum

2 Wylie ISD  Suburb north of Dallas in Collin County  14,300 students  19 campuses (20 in 2016-17)  Cities of Wylie, Murphy, and Sachse  Economically Disadvantaged at 27.5%  Year 3 of TRS (CSCOPE)

3 July 2011

4 October 2014


6 July 2011

7 October 2014 July 2011 D D ata-Driven Decisions R R igorous and Relevant Instruction I I ndividualized Learning V V aluable Professional Development E E ffective Leadership

8 “We’ll find value in players that nobody else can see” - Moneyball

9 “We’ll find value in players that nobody else can see” - Moneyball

10 Index 2  Student Progress  Are your students meeting expected growth (making progress)?  Are your interventions working?

11 Indicators Provided in Data File  STAAR Progress Measure  ELL Progress Measure  On Track Indicator  Data file format documents found on the TEA website.

12 Data File Format Document  Nuggets of information

13 Where to find information staar/

14 STAAR Progress Indicator  Gain Score  Take the difference between last year’s scale score and current year’s scale score.  Successive grade levels or skipped grade levels (not same grade level)  Same version or type of assessment  Is the gain score greater than or equal to the met progress cut score?  Is the gain score greater than or equal to the exceeded progress cut score?  Exceptions  Chance range (1/4 of the number of multiple choice questions)  Top range (top 3 scores)  Advanced in current year and last year

15 Calculating STAAR Progress Measures Document


17 How to Use STAAR Progress Indicator at the Beginning of the Year For each student  Pull current year data  Raw score  Scale score  Level 2  Level 3  STAAR Progress  Pull last year’s data  Raw score  Scale score  Level 2  Level 3

18 How to Use STAAR Progress Indicator at the Beginning of the Year  Export file to Excel  Rank order current year raw score from lowest to highest  Add column for Gain Score  Identify students falling in Chance Score range – will not meet progress  Top Score range – will exceed progress  Calculate Gain Score (current year scale score minus prior year scale score)  Compare Gain Score to Table 1 values & flowchart

19 What story do these data tell? April 2013 STAAR Reading, Grade 3April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4 StudentRaw ScoreScale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv Raw ScoreScale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv STAAR ProgressGain Score Jacob161276No 91242No Did Not MeetChance Evelyn201331YesNo121288No Did Not Meet-43 Jose161276No 161340No Did Not Meet64 Lucy131234No 161340No Met106 Diego 161340No N/A Maddox 181363No Exceeded Joseph141249No 231422YesNoExceeded173 Rebecca221354YesNo251442YesNoMet88 Isaiah321502YesNo271465YesNoDid Not Meet-37 Lizette271421YesNo281477YesNoDid Not Meet56 Mallory181303No 281477YesNoExceeded174 Kylie281435YesNo321528YesNoMet93 Devin391769Yes 341550YesNoDid Not Meet-219 Gary331522YesNo351573YesNoDid Not Meet51 Helen391769Yes 381633Yes Met-136 Graham311483YesNo381633Yes Met150 Savannah291450YesNo381633Yes Exceeded183 Grayson351569Yes 411721Yes Met152 Aidan341555Yes 411721Yes Exceeded166 Alexandra351569Yes 421770Yes ExceededTop Score Macie391769Yes 441992Yes ExceededTop Score

20 The Stories April 2013 STAAR Reading, Grade 3April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4 StudentRaw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv STAAR ProgressGain Score Evelyn201331YesNo121288No Did Not Meet-43 Jose161276No 161340No Did Not Meet64 Lucy131234No 161340No Met106 Diego 161340No N/A Maddox 181363No Exceeded Evelyn passed last year, but did not this year. She had a negative gain score. She lost ground. While Jose had a positive gain score. He passed last year, but did not this year. Lucy hasn’t passed a reading test yet, but she is making progress. STAAR Progress measure was not applicable for Diego. He was an ELL student. Maddox exceeded progress. His prior year data came from another school district.

21 The Stories April 2013 STAAR Reading, Grade 3April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4 Student Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv STAAR ProgressGain Score Joseph141249No 231422YesNoExceeded173 Rebecca221354YesNo251442YesNoMet88 Isaiah321502YesNo271465YesNoDid Not Meet-37 Lizette271421YesNo281477YesNoDid Not Meet56 Mallory181303No 281477YesNoExceeded174 Joseph passed and had greater than 165 points. He exceeded progress. Rebecca was and continues to be a “bubble kid,” and she met growth. Weren’t worried about Isaiah. He did well on the G3 test. While he passed this year, he had a negative gain score. Lizette was 5 questions above the cut score. She probably won’t be considered a bubble kid, but she did not meet progress. Mallory went from not passing in grade 3 to a 5 question cushion this year. She exceeded progress.

22 The Stories April 2013 STAAR Reading, Grade 3April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4 Student Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv STAAR ProgressGain Score Kylie281435YesNo321528YesNoMet93 Devin391769Yes 341550YesNoDid Not Meet-219 Gary331522YesNo351573YesNoDid Not Meet51 Helen391769Yes 381633Yes Met-136 Graham311483YesNo381633Yes Met150 Kylie passed both years and had greater than 82 points growth. Devin passed and was advanced last year. While Devin passed this year and still had a solid score he had a substantial negative gain score. Gary passed both years, but did not progress enough. Helen passed and was advanced both years. She met progress because she was advanced both years. She was at the cut level for advanced. At this rate she will not be advanced next year. Graham passed and became advanced this year. With 1 more question correct he would have exceeded progress

23 The Stories April 2013 STAAR Reading, Grade 3April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4 Student Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv Raw Score Scale Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 3: Adv STAAR ProgressGain Score Savannah291450YesNo381633Yes Exceeded183 Grayson351569Yes 411721Yes Met152 Aidan341555Yes 411721Yes Exceeded166 Alexandra351569Yes 421770Yes ExceededTop Score Macie391769Yes 441992Yes ExceededTop Score Savannah was advanced this year and exceeded progress. Grayson was advanced both years. With one more question correct he would have exceeded growth. Aiden exceeded growth. Alexandra was in the top score range so she automatically exceeded progress. Macie had a perfect score so she automatically exceeded progress.

24 How to Use STAAR Progress Measure Looking Forward  Project individual student progress for the next year  Use the latest STAAR individual students results  Use the Table 1 Values for Computing STAAR Progress Measures  Calculate needed scale score for “Met” progress and “Exceeded” progress  Use the raw score conversion tables to determine a close number of questions needed.  Remember the raw score associated with a scale score can fluctuate from year-to-year

25  Pull individual student data  Raw score  Scale score  Met status  Advanced status  Export to Excel and add columns  Rank order students by raw score from lowest to highest  “new” scale score if Level I or II in prior year (add the number of points found in the Table 1 – Computing STAAR Progress Measures)  “new” scale score if Level III in prior year (add the number of points found in the Table 1 – Computing STAAR Progress Measures)  Add columns with the scale scores and associated number of questions (in that order) from the appropriate prior year Raw Score Conversion table and name the area (separate sheet or separate area of page)  With this “new” scale score you can use the VLOOKUP function in Excel to determine the threshold number of questions correct. How to Use STAAR Progress Measure Looking Forward

26 1. Select scale and raw score information and name it here. For example: conv_read 2. Add the points for new scale score 3. VLOOKUP command =VLOOKUP(H3,conv_read,2) and apply the formula downward until you reach lines where the students had advanced performance. Remember to denote the Chance Scores

27 Proceed the same way with the Met Level II Prior Yr column and the Exceeded column Remember to denote the Top Score range Helps students and teachers see about how many questions they need to have correct to meet progress and how many additional questions they need to exceed!

28 ELL Progress Measure Found in the: Calculating the Texas English Language Learner (ELL) Progress Measure document

29 ELL Progress Measure

30 ELL Progress Measure Expectations  Grade 3 table shown  Grades 3 – 8 each have a table  Each EOC has a table


32 On Track Indicator  Is the student on track to be at or above the Level II standard in a future target year?

33 On Track Data at the Beginning of the Year  Historic data and On Track information was given to the Intermediate and Junior High campuses about their incoming 5 th and 8 th graders. Are Your Incoming 5th Graders on Track to Pass G5 STAAR Reading? April 2013 STAAR Reading, Grade 3April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4 Student Name% Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 2: Phase 2 % Score Level 2: Phase 1 Level 2: Phase 2 STAAR Progress On Track to Pass at Phase 2 63%YesNo68%Yes MetYes 83%Yes 89%Yes MetYes 73%Yes 80%Yes MetYes 88%Yes 98%Yes ExceededYes 43%No 48%No N/A 85%Yes 89%Yes MetYes 85%Yes 93%Yes ExceededYes 63%YesNo84%Yes ExceededYes 75%Yes 68%Yes Did Not MeetNo 50%YesNo27%No Did Not MeetNo 55%YesNo48%No Did Not MeetNo 88%Yes 86%Yes N/A 90%Yes 91%Yes MetYes 78%Yes 75%Yes Did Not MeetYes 88%Yes 75%Yes Did Not MeetYes 70%Yes 80%Yes N/A 85%Yes 89%Yes MetYes 75%Yes 80%Yes MetYes 80%Yes 84%Yes MetYes 70%Yes 48%No Did Not MeetNo 78%Yes 84%Yes MetYes 83%Yes 70%Yes Did Not MeetNo

34 On Track Data after Checkpoint Student April 2014 STAAR Reading, Grade 4ELAR G5 Checkpoint 14-15 Percent Score Level 2: Phase 1STAAR Progress On Track to Pass at Phase 1 Percent Score Apply 2014 Passing Standard Met Anjelika77%YesDid Not MeetYes85%Yes Celine68%YesDid Not MeetYes65%Yes Andrew89%YesMetYes89%Yes Kirsten66%YesDid Not MeetYes65%Yes Morgan----20%no Valeria84%YesDid Not MeetYes87%Yes Bailey43%NoDid Not MeetNo52%no Alyeceia57%YesDid Not MeetNo70%Yes Devin55%YesDid Not MeetNo52%no Tabitha82%YesExceededYes52%no Elijah89%YesExceededYes93%Yes Juana75%YesN/A 57%Yes Clarissa48%NoN/A 59%Yes Isabella75%YesDid Not MeetYes89%Yes Campbell93%YesMetYes91%Yes

35 Other Wylie Tools for…

36 Campus Level Tools


38 Student Data Card

39 “Meet” some of our kids

40 Bring on the color


42 Teacher Level Tools




46 Student Level Tools

47 You’re not done… You’re done with this assignment Dr. Debra Pickering

48 What Works in Schools  When setting objectives and providing feedback are used in the classroom, achievement improves an average of 23% Dr. Robert Marzano

49 Dr. Debra Pickering

50 Rick Wormeli

51 Questions?

52 Dr. Judy Bolen Kerry Gain

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