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Pan Wales Hair & Beauty Network Learning Area Programmes Fran Hopwood.

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Presentation on theme: "Pan Wales Hair & Beauty Network Learning Area Programmes Fran Hopwood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pan Wales Hair & Beauty Network Learning Area Programmes Fran Hopwood

2 Learning Area Programme (LAP) LAP is a set of design principles that: start from where the learners is provide them with a coherent programme of learning has consistent components prepares them for progression Progression may be to the next level of study or training, employment or volunteering This relies on an effective and consistent initial and diagnostic assessment process and Tracking of learner progress using an e-ILP

3 Learning Area Programme Model Standard Design Principles Learning Core Main Qualification(s) Local, Learner Industry Focus Assessed /supervised Work Related Activity in addition to 30 hours learning core Post-16 Learner’s qualification(s), programme purpose and progression outcomes

4 Constructing the LAPs Level Element Core As specified in The Learning Pathway 14-19 GCHMain QualificationsGCHLocal, Learner or Industry Focus GCHTotal GCH of delivered LAP Assessed / Supervised Work related activity (WRA) in addition to 30 hrs in the core GCH Level of LAPWBQ Or Learning Core Approx 20% GCH Main qualification or qualifications Approx 70% GCH Learning designed to meet specific needs Approx 10% GCH Target 650 GCH (banding 600 – 700 GCH) excluding WRA GCH for supervision or assessment recorded separately from main LAP GCH WRA recorded outside LAP GCH E(1,2,3) L1 (1 yr) L2 (1 or 2 Yrs) L3 ( 1 or 2 yrs) WBQ Or Core including 30 hrs WRE and 3 Essential Skills (may include GCSE Maths and or English and Wider Key Skills as defined by each LAP and learner’s needs) and Tutorial (2 hrs – e-ILP) Approx 20% of total GCH Extended Diploma or Certificates and Awards to broaden study with a general maximum of 4 qualifications (except General Education) Approx 70 % of total GCH QCF qualifications or units or QALL units or other recognised learning to broaden study, support progression or to meet employers’ or learners’ specific needs Approx 10 % of total GCH Approx 650 GCH per year (exceptions > 700 or < 600 GCH identified such as Access or PTA) Work experience or work related activity or experience in college or assessed work experience (record GCH for WE supervision and / or assessment)

5 Example – Business Administration

6 Characteristics of LAP Focus on progression outcomes and the than qualifications and learning to enable progression Sector based outcomes information to be developed over time Outcomes information should be ‘naturally occurring evidence’ Should include ‘learner views’ in terms of expectations Design of LAP + Advice/Assessment on Entry + Quality of Delivery = Outputs and Outcomes

7 Learner Journey

8 Potential Outputs Completion of the LAP Learner progress, distance travelled and achievements will be tracked through the e-ILP Attainment of main qualification(s) Evidence of completion of core –diaries, logs or projects Attainment of defined essential skills Achievement of the LLIF content – qualification, units and /or non-accredited learning

9 Potential Outcomes Entry to paid employment in the vocational or a related industry Progression to a higher level of full-time learning Employment in another area of work Progression to apprenticeships or WBL Short term contact, seasonal work or short term project work in the vocational or a related industry Self employed or working as a contractor Voluntary work or an internship in the vocational or a related industry Progression to part-time study in the subject area or a related area of study Progression to an alternative subject or vocational area with clear vocational aims Overseas study Entry to armed forces, police, fire service or other public services. Professional practice

10 Potential Benefits For Careers Services and Advice and Guidance staff Clearly defined programme of entitlements and specification of the elements of learning. Clear progression routes to further study and employment. Greater consistency between providers while ensuring appropriate flexibility to meet defined needs. Learners, parents and carers more aware of choices available to the learners. Parity of esteem between vocational and general qualifications.

11 Potential Benefits For Learners Assessment of skills at the point of entry leading to the design of appropriate programmes of learning. Clearly defined programme of entitlements and specification of the elements of learning. Programme of learning that recognises and addresses their needs and potential. Continuous support, advice and guidance pre-entry, on course and at exit. Clear progression routes to further study and employment.

12 Potential Benefits For Employers Employer involvement in the design of LAPs with a particular focus by providers on the needs of local and national employers. Recognition of the skills requirements of individual employers and of the skills needed for employment. Greater consistency in the design and delivery of learning programmes. Employer involvement in the scrutiny and monitoring of the outcomes of LAPS including outputs on the progression to employment. Contribution to the higher skills workforce aspirations.

13 Potential Benefits For Providers Learner centred approach driven by learner needs and potential to progress. Greater consistency between providers while ensuring appropriate flexibility to meet specific needs. Greater measure of self-regulation and more rigorous self assessment. Simpler planning and data collection systems with longer term financial stability. Scope to reflect in the teaching and learning the culture of the sector and institution.

14 Potential Benefits For the Welsh Government Greater learner participation in education and training. Credible set of curriculum offers with a consistent entitlement offered to learners. More effective responsiveness to the needs of learners, employers and the needs of the economy of Wales. Rigorous and robust data on learning outcomes in line with the LAP outcome strategy. Regular feed-back on the appropriateness of qualifications. Parity of esteem between vocational and general qualifications.

15 Scrutiny Arrangements

16 Implementation Refine the details of the model and address any issues Continue to consult with key stakeholders Disseminate details Design training programme Complete Guidance document

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