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Responsible Tourism Strategies

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1 Responsible Tourism Strategies
Andrew Wheeler 2014

2 P3 Examine strategies used to manage responsible tourism in destinations

3 Responsible Tourism Strategies…

4 Strategies Strategies are based on IMPACTS
E.g. Tourism Impact = traffic congestion Strategy = MINIMISE traffic congestion E.g. Tourism impact = jobs in Cambridge Strategy = MAXIMISE tourism jobs growth

5 P3 Scenario The final part of your Visit England work involves writing a report about the strategies used to manage responsible tourism. This assignment should be completed individually.

6 The Task Your presentation (for Assignment 1) identified examples of impacts in a range of destinations. Now Visit England wish to know what kind of strategies could be adopted to maximise positive and minimise negative impacts. Task 5 (P3) How effective are these strategies?

7 P3 examine strategies used to manage responsible tourism in destinations

8 To achieve P3 you need to examine strategies used to maximise positive impacts and minimise negative impacts. The evidence provided must be supported by examples from towns or cities, countryside and seaside destinations in both MEDW and LEDW.

9 You must demonstrate understanding of the different strategies used by:
giving details of real examples to include at least one destination for each strategy identified.

10 For this task you should write about:
Strategies to maximise positive impacts: eg retention of visitor spending, widening access to facilities, community projects, employment and training of locals, education. Strategies to minimise negative impacts: eg visitor and traffic management, planning control, implementing changes as a result of environmental impact assessments, sustainable tourism policies.  Destinations: town or city; countryside; seaside; more economically developed world (MEDW); less economically developed world (LEDW)

11 P3 Scenario Each strategy needs to be linked to a specific destination. So we might say…. “…minimising traffic congestion is a strategy that has been adopted by Cambridge City Council [the destination]”

12 M’s and D’s Task 6 (M2) Critically examine the way one destination has implemented strategies and give your opinion as to how successful this has been. Task 7 (D2) Finally, please make some recommendations for improvement based on best practice in other areas.

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