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LIVEABLE CITIES Liveable Cities and Towns; Contributing to the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (Session B4) Allen Creedy, ethics etc…

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Presentation on theme: "LIVEABLE CITIES Liveable Cities and Towns; Contributing to the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (Session B4) Allen Creedy, ethics etc…"— Presentation transcript:

1 LIVEABLE CITIES Liveable Cities and Towns; Contributing to the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (Session B4) Allen Creedy, ethics etc…

2 “On your marks, get set, Go!” Start: January 2004 –Communication on the Thematic Strategy for the Urban Environment – “All urban areas with more than 100,000 people to prepare Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Finish: February 2007 –Model guidance for all cities and towns to help them prepare Sustainable Urban Management Plans (SUMP) – presented as a menu

3 Sustainable Urban Management Ambition: liveable urban areas EMP Environmental Management Plan SUMP Sustainable Urban Management Plan Economic Social Liveable cities considers the policy scope of the SUMP to be at least the same as the (EMP) Environmental Management Plan (as described by the expert working group).

4 Preparing the model guidance by ……….. –Learning from Dutch cities using the “Liveability Model”:City & Environment –City partners preparing a SUMP, and sharing their learning and experiences of the process –Learning from the best practices of other european cities in environental management and sustainable urban managment –A workshop in each partner city to understand local succcess stories - tailored solutions to the local challenges of how to manage urban areas in more sustainable ways

5 early conclusions.. A single ‘model’ Sustainable Urban Managment Plan for all european cities is not possible or desirable Most cities and towns already have too many plans – few see the benefit of another (“Sustainable Urban Mangement” or “Environmental Managment”) plan Rather:

6 early conclusions.. Cities and towns: Are committed to making urban areas more liveable and to improving environmental quality Need more help to understand “what works” and “what does not work” in managing urban areas in more sustainable ways Need more tools and ideas to “add value” to existing plans Need guidance on how to “add sustainability” into their existing efforts.

7 The Liveable Cites Guidance Document -7P’s –The secret to Liveable urban areas is to make sure that your city/ town has the seven essential P’s –(the Peas! needed by all cities and towns for sustainable urban management) Summarised in the brochure Detailed in the guidance document with cases, tools and with ten key guidelines for each P.

8 7P’s –Principles – the essential aspects of sustainable development and urban management that are required for liveable cities –Politics – the nature of political involvement and commitment that is required to support liveable cities –Partnership – the governance models and responsibility agreements for working with stakeholders that are needed for liveable cities –Processes – for agreeing visions and objectives for managing and monitoring the delivery of actions for liveable cities –Policies – meeting local needs, respecting local traditions, satisfying national and European regulations –Plans – the role and integration of spatial, thematic, agenda 21 and other plans –Programmes – of action to achieve the agreed objectives for liveable cities

9 Adding Value Our guidance adds value to the hard work already taking place in towns and cities to make them liveable by: 1)Demonstrating how to use the 7P’s to integrate the principles of sustainable development establish the essential partnerships between governments & the civil society overcome the coordination and integration deficits between exiting fragmented plans and policies, 2) Showing how to use resources more efficiently by Replacing competition with collaboration and cooperation Using the strengths of the market place and stakeholders 3) Identifying ‘best practice’ and making it ‘common practice’ Revealing new and innovative tools and ideas Sharing successful models and technical solutions to meet EU and Environmental and other ambitions and targets

10 Adding Value Our guidance adds value to the hard work already taking place in towns and cities to make them liveable by: 1)Demonstrating how to use the 7P’s to integrate the principles of sustainable development establish the essential partnerships between governments & the civil society overcome the coordination and integration deficits between exiting fragmented plans and policies, 2) Showing how to use resources more efficiently by Replacing competition with collaboration and cooperation Using the strengths of the market place and stakeholders 3) Identifying ‘best practice’ and making it ‘common practice’ Revealing new and innovative tools and ideas Sharing successful models and technical solutions to meet EU and Environmental and other ambitions and targets

11 Adding Value Our guidance adds value to the hard work already taking place in towns and cities to make them liveable by: 1)Demonstrating how to use the 7P’s to integrate the principles of sustainable development establish the essential partnerships between governments & the civil society overcome the coordination and integration deficits between exiting fragmented plans and policies, 2) Showing how to use resources more efficiently by Replacing competition with collaboration and cooperation Using the strengths of the market place and stakeholders 3) Identifying ‘best practice’ and making it ‘common practice’ Revealing new and innovative tools and ideas Sharing successful models and technical solutions to meet EU and Environmental and other ambitions and targets

12 Adding Value Our guidance adds value to the hard work already taking place in towns and cities to make them liveable by: 1)Demonstrating how to use the 7P’s to integrate the principles of sustainable development establish the essential partnerships between governments & the civil society overcome the coordination and integration deficits between exiting fragmented plans and policies, 2) Showing how to use resources more efficiently by Replacing competition with collaboration and cooperation Using the strengths of the market place and stakeholders 3) Identifying ‘best practice’ and making it ‘common practice’ Revealing new and innovative tools and ideas Sharing successful models and technical solutions to meet EU and Environmental and other ambitions and targets

13 Conclusions ‘balance objectives’; multiple objecives for an urban areas are necessary; sustainable urban management transparently balances these objectives in partnership with stakeholders “A house divided against itself cannot stand”; competition within and between neigbouring cities and towns will not produce liveable urban areas ‘respect the local’; local tailor-made solutions that genuinely improve liveability can only be created by cities with the necessary legal and financial freedoms.

14 Conclusions ‘use the local’; promote and reinforce local successes in each of the 7P’s – learn from failures ‘get outside the comfort zone’; the challenge of Climate change forces us to go beyond what is legally required and to look beyond traditional spatial and regulatory policies ‘think outside the box’; is it a problem or an opportunity? Change your perspective to find new solutions, find new partners to help you to innovate.

15 Conclusions ‘use a can-do approach’; set high ambitions, make realistic commitments; go for ‘as low as reasonably achievable’ which follows balancing a variety of ambitions and interests ‘do it together’; take responsibility and search for others to do the same (polluter pays); create dialogue, respect, trust and a common language ‘deal with causes, not symptoms’; do not hide from the truth, look beyond traditional policy content, delivery and coherence

16 Follow-up What now? -Make our Guidance document available -Disseminate and promote the Guidance document and the lessons from the project -Help cities to put these lessons into practice -Relate to lessons from other projects –Keep sharing lessons from the further implementation of SUM in partner cities –Organise workshops/training sessions for cities across Europe –Keep working on the urban agenda and the implementation of the TSUE in future projects


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