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Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.

2 ReligionPlaces European Influence Independence Movements VocabularyPeople

3 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Team 5 Wager board

4 What religion did the Arabs bring to Africa?

5 Islam score board

6 What is the name given to the local beliefs of the Swahili?

7 Mila score board

8 What religion, which believes that spirits are found in natural objects, is followed by the Bantu?

9 Animist score board

10 Why was learning Arabic important to the Muslims?

11 The Quran is written in Arabic. scoreboard

12 In addition to their traditional religion, what two additional religions are followed by the Ashanti people today?

13 Christianity and Islam score board

14 In what part of Africa do most Muslims live today?

15 Mediterranean Coast (northern and eastern Africa) score board

16 In what country do the Ashanti live?

17 Ghana score board

18 What Arabic word means “one who lives on the coast?”

19 Swahili score board

20 What structure has allowed Egypt to have year-round irrigation?

21 Aswan Dam score board

22 What is another name for the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

23 Zaire score board

24 Who was the leader of the independence movement in Kenya?

25 Joseph Kenyatta score board

26 What leader of Kenya was threatened economically if the country did not improve the civil rights of its people?

27 Daniel arap Moi score board

28 Who was South Africa’s first black president?

29 Nelson Mandela score board

30 Who was the president of South Africa who began the repeal of apartheid?

31 F.W. de Klerk score board

32 What was the name of the supreme god of the Ashanti?

33 Nayme score board

34 What was the reason for the earliest European interest in Africa?

35 To obtain slaves score board

36 Besides slaves, what other interest did Great Britain have in Africa?

37 Protecting the transportation routes to the British territories in India and Asia score board

38 What Africans did some European countries use to enforce their policies, e.g., collecting taxes, running businesses?

39 Local chiefs score board

40 What was the name for the form of government in which Europeans used Africans to administer their colonies?

41 Indirect Rule score board

42 What are three European countries that had colonies in Africa?

43 Belgium, Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Germany score board

44 After what war did Africans begin to openly oppose European control of their countries?

45 World War II score board

46 How many African nations were independent by 1960?

47 27 score board

48 Why did many of the boundaries of the new African countries cause problems?

49 The boundaries often split tribes and kinship groups. score board

50 What criteria was most often used to draw boundaries for the new African nations?

51 Old colonial boundaries score board

52 What was the goal of the Pan-African movement?

53 To end European control and make Africa a homeland for all people of African descent score board

54 What term is used to describe the desire of a country to acquire colonies as a symbol of power?

55 Imperialism score board

56 What is a term that means to give up one’s customs for those of another country?

57 Assimilation score board

58 What name was given to Dutch settlers in South Africa?

59 Boers score board

60 What is apartheid?

61 The legal separation of the races score board

62 What is a dowry?

63 Money or gifts a groom and his family give to the bride and her parents as a wedding gift score board

64 Make your wager on the scoreboard scoreFinal Question

65 What native tribe occupied the land to which the Dutch moved when the British took control of South Africa in the early 1800s?

66 Zulus score board

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