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Asking Questions: Interrogative Words and Sentences

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Presentation on theme: "Asking Questions: Interrogative Words and Sentences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asking Questions: Interrogative Words and Sentences

2 Definitions An interrogative word is a word you use to ask a question.
An interrogative sentence is a question. Pregunta is the Spanish word for question.

3 Interrogative Words People Things ¿quién? who?—singular
¿quiénes? who?—plural ¿con quién? with whom? ¿de quién? whose? Things ¿qué? what? ¿cuál? which?—singular (or what?) ¿cuáles? which?—plural ¿cuánto, -a? how much? ¿cuántos, -as? how many?

4 Interrogative Words Location Time Reason Description ¿dónde? where?
¿adónde? to where? ¿de dónde? from where? Time ¿cuándo? when? Reason ¿por qué? why? Description ¿cómo? how?

5 Punctuation All interrogative words have a written accent mark.
Spanish questions have question marks both before and after the question. The question mark at the end of the question is exactly like an English question mark. ? The “extra” question mark at the beginning of the question is an upside-down English question mark. ¿ If only part of the sentence is a question, the question marks go around only that part of the sentence. Marco es inteligente, pero ¿es trabajador también?

6 Interrogative sentences
With Interrogative Words In questions with interrogative words, the verb comes before the subject. The order is: interrogative word + verb + subject + (rest of sentence) ¿Qué come Elena en el restaurante? ¿Adónde van Uds. después de las clases? ¿Por qué va Ignacio a la playa todos los días?

7 Interrogative sentences
Differences from English In English, we use the verb do (or its other forms: did, don’t, doesn’t, etc.) to signal that a question is coming. We do not translate this do into Spanish—English is the only Indo-European language that uses a particular verb to introduce questions.  In an English question, the subject comes after do and before the action verb. In a Spanish question, the subject usually comes after the action verb.

8 Interrogative sentences
Without Interrogative Words You don’t always need to use an interrogative word to ask a question.   For simple questions that can be answered sí or no, you can change a statement into a question just by raising your tone at the end: ¿Ana va a la biblioteca?

9 Interrogative sentences
Without Interrogative Words To emphasize that you are asking a question, you can also: put the verb before the subject: ¿Va Ana a la biblioteca? OR add ¿verdad? (right?) or ¿no? to the end: Ana va a la biblioteca, ¿verdad? Ana va a la biblioteca, ¿no?

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