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The Importance of Organisational Culture in modern day fast food restaurants. Presented by: Maria Batista Eliane Bispo Berto Mircea Ciadi Marzia Di Mauro.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Organisational Culture in modern day fast food restaurants. Presented by: Maria Batista Eliane Bispo Berto Mircea Ciadi Marzia Di Mauro."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Importance of Organisational Culture in modern day fast food restaurants. Presented by: Maria Batista Eliane Bispo Berto Mircea Ciadi Marzia Di Mauro Karl Johnson

3 Introduction. This presentation will take you through the systems, values and beliefs shared by three organisations we have chosen to discuss, McDonalds, Pret A Manger and Chilango’s. Cultural influences will be examined and how beliefs and staff attributes have led to organisational success. Also discussed are the aspects of culture in the organisations. Then lastly we will demonstrate the cultural web of organisation and how it can be used in directing the efforts of employees towards a common goal.

4 Pret A Manger

5 McDonald’s

6 Chilango’s Wilson(2004) notes that organisational cultures are not mirror images of the culture of a wider society. There are other factors that shape the cultures of organisations. The founders, for example, can act to shape the nature of the and conduct of a business. Chilango’s was started by two men Eric and Dan who have a passion for Mexican cuisine. Eric was born in Chicago where he discovered his first mexican taco in 1979, but when he came to work in London, there was nowhere he could go to satisfy his cravings. Things were looking desperate. Then Eric met Dan, the other founder, discovered he was also a Mexican food fanatic, and the pair made it their mission to bring the fresh, delicious flavours that they both love to the UK. Chilango’s culture is based on the journey of its founders.

7 Success through Total Quality Management. Peters & Waterman (1982) recognised attributes that successful organisational staff use. To win over guests, Chilango’s has used the following skills mentioned in TQM, this helped launch Chilango’s into the saturated market of fast food restaurants in London. A bias for action. Staff visited offices gave out free samples to try. Free burrito, they decided to take a risk to promote their burrito's This made headlines in the news papers. Autonomy & Entrepreneurship. By deifying traditional fast food and brining a new cuisine to fleet street (Mexican style) They are doing things there own way. Improved business sense in the way of using the company slogan and culture of the first one is on us, prove to be beneficial and the next big deal. Productivity through people. The day Chilango’s chose to offer it’s customers free Burritos just happened to be immediately after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and, as the queue for burritos stretched down the street, the press gathered to photograph it and the national papers ran stories the next day comparing it with the 1930s bread lines of the Great Depression. Hotel & Caterer, (2010)

8 The first one is on us!

9 Case study Source: Vaughan, T. Caterer and Hotel Keeper (2010)

10 The Cultural web of organisations Stories Source: Johnson, G., Scholes, K and Whittington, R.(2005)

11 Aspects of visible Culture: Mission statement

12 Paradigm what does it mean?

13 Bad spelling or is it? Olny srmat poelpe can raed this! I cdnuol’t blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdenieg. The phonaomneal pweor of the hmuan mnid is aimanzg. You can fgirue out ayntinhg you put your mnid to. Blivee in yrolesuf, aihvcee what oehtrs tinhk is ipsisbmole!

14 Only smart people can read this! I couldn’t believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. The phenomenal power of the human mind is amazing. You can figure out anything you put your mind to. Believe in yourself, achieve what others think is impossible!

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