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Every week in Mass, we say, “We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” So, what does that mean?!?

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Presentation on theme: "Every week in Mass, we say, “We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” So, what does that mean?!?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Every week in Mass, we say, “We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” So, what does that mean?!?

2 The Four Marks of the Church One Holy Catholic Apostolic

3 One Church One in Faith – The Nicene Creed is said at every Mass every week One in Worship – Go to any Catholic Church, and the Mass will be the same! – Liturgy of the Word – Liturgy of the Eucharist One in Governance – Joined together under the leadership of the Pope and the Bishops One in Charity – Follow Jesus’ command to love one another and show an active concern about members of our community

4 Holy Church Founded and redeemed by Jesus Members are led to be holy like God – Through the Seven Sacraments which are… – Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony Guided and given life by the Holy Spirit (sanctified) – The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are… – Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude, Piety and Fear of the Lord

5 Catholic Church Catholic means “universal, worldwide, total, for all” – Strives to preach the good news of salvation to ALL people – Teaches the TOTAL message of Jesus Christ – Offers ALL that is necessary for salvation

6 Apostolic Church The Apostles were the early leaders of the Church. The Pope and Bishops are their successors. Peter Andrew JamesJohn Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James Judas (Thaddeus) Simon Matthias

7 Organization of the Church Misconception Pope Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Priests Catholics Actual Hierarchy Pope (1 head) Bishops (2946 diocese, cathedrals) Priests (219,583 parishes) Catholics (1 Billion members)

8 Hierarchy Facts The Pope is the head of all dioceses and all parishes. The Bishops are the head of their diocese and all parishes within their diocese. – Archbishops are NOT over bishops; archdioceses are NOT over dioceses! – They are usually in bigger areas like cities. Cardinals are Bishops given the title of Cardinal when chosen by the Pope – They have additional privileges but no higher rank than other Bishops Priests are heads of their parishes.

9 Who is… …our Pope? …our Bishop? …our Pastor? Pope Benedict XVI Bishop Joseph McFadden Father Chester Snyder

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