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Teacher Evaluation: Lessons Learned Teaneck Public Schools Dr. Marisa M. King Dr. Deirdre Spollen-LaRaia.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Evaluation: Lessons Learned Teaneck Public Schools Dr. Marisa M. King Dr. Deirdre Spollen-LaRaia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Evaluation: Lessons Learned Teaneck Public Schools Dr. Marisa M. King Dr. Deirdre Spollen-LaRaia

2 Teaneck Public Schools  Diverse Suburban/Urban Community  6 miles from the George Washington Bridge  3,741 Total Students  1 – High School 9-12  2 – Middle Schools 5-8  3 – Elementary Schools 1-4  1 – Early Childhood School Pre-K/K

3 Student Demographics African-American44% Hispanic/Latino27% White15% Asian13% Other 1%

4 Introduction  Grant – Excellent Educators for New Jersey Program (EE4NJ)  Pilot District General Requirements- Cohort 2  Pilot and Implement  Provide Feedback to NJDOE  Collaborate - District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC)  Communicate with stakeholders, share common language  FAQ’s, addressed concerns

5 Teacher Evaluation System  Selection Process  Framework for Teaching (FFT) – Charlotte Danielson  Aligned to existing evaluation rubric  Online videos – Professional Development

6 Excellent Educators for New Jersey  EE4NJ Grant $104,000  Teachscape software to manage the FFT  Teachscape Proficiency System (per user cost)  Teachscape Learn  Digital Cameras  Danielson Group Professional Development for Administrators

7 Training of Administrators  iPads  30 hours – Online Professional Development Summer 2012  Collaboration among colleagues  Make-a- Meeting  Small Study Groups  Demonstrate Proficiency -2-Stage Assessment

8 Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2a : Creating an Environment of Respect & Rapport 2b : Establishing a Culture for Learning 2c : Managing Classroom Procedures 2d : Managing Student Behavior

9 Domain 3 Instruction 3a : Communicating with Students 3b : Using Questioning/Prompts & Discussion Techniques 3c : Engaging Students in Learning 3d : Using Assessment in Instruction

10 Teacher Training  September 2012 – High level Overview  Rubric for Domain 2 and Domain 3  Discussion of Frequency of Observations  Discussion of Type of Observations  Faculty Meetings  Teachscape Online Modules

11 Preparing for Observations  Requirements for Cohort 2 Pilot Districts  Tenured and Non-Tenured  Core and Non-CoreTested/Non-tested  Double-Scored, External Evaluator, 30 min, 15 min  Observations commenced in October 2012  Oct- Dec observations focused on Domain 2 only (to allot time for teachers to acclimate to the framework) 1,240 Observations 24 Administrators Average of 51.6 Observations per Administrator



14 Action-Research  Permission from Superintendent  Consulted with Board Attorney  Rutgers University - External Evaluator

15 Preparedness to Implement the FFT Percentage of teachers who indicated administrators were prepared to implement the FFT Proficiency System 49% (35/72) Percentage of administrators who indicated they were prepared to implement the FFT Proficiency System 70% (14/20) Varying Perceptions Both groups noted that additional time was needed to learn the tool before beginning observations

16 Preparedness to Implement the FFT  Post survey results indicate agreement that both groups are prepared to implement the FFT following 8 months of observations PrePost Percentage of teachers who indicated administrators were prepared to implement the FFT Proficiency System 49% (35/72) 84% (21/25) Percentage of administrators who indicated they were prepared to implement the FFT Proficiency System 70% (14/20) 100% (8/8)

17 Understanding the Domains AdministratorTeacher Respondents who indicate having an in-depth understanding of Domain 2 (Classroom Environment) 85% (17/20)66% (48/72) Respondents who indicate having an in-depth understanding of Domain 3 (Instruction) 65% (13/20)40% (29/72) Respondents indicated a higher understanding of Domain 2 over Domain 3 Could be result of observations focused on Domain 2 for first trimester

18 Understanding the Domains Respondents in both groups indicate an increase in their understanding of the Domains PrePost AdministratorTeacherAdministratorTeacher Respondents who indicate having an in-depth understanding of Domain 2 (Classroom Environment) 85% (17/20) 66% (48/72) 100% (8/8) 72% (18/25) Respondents who indicate having an in-depth understanding of Domain 3 (Instruction) 65% (13/20) 40% (29/72) 100% (8/8) 60% (15/25)

19 The Power of Two Percentage of teachers who indicate they are confident in the model of double-scored observations 36% (25/69*) Percentage of administrators who indicate they are prepared to double-score classroom observations 60% (12/20) * Several respondents left this question blank Pilot required one double-scored observation for most teachers Final regulations double-scored observation are not required for teachers. They are required for administrators to calibrate scoring on the FFT

20 The Power of Two PrePost Percentage of teachers who indicate they are confident in the model of double-scored observations 36% (25/69) 62.5% (15/24) Percentage of administrators who indicate they are confident in the model of double-scored observations 60% (12/20) 100% (8/8)

21 Consistent Ratings Percentage of teachers who indicate the FFT will provide consistent ratings between administrators 52% (30/57*) Percentage of administrators who indicate the FFT will provide consistent ratings between administrators 65% (13/20) * Several respondents left this question blank This finding indicates that administrators and teachers do agree that FFT will provide consistent ratings between administrators Research based tool provides agreement by those who are involved

22 Consistent Ratings PrePost Percentage of teachers who indicate the FFT will provide consistent ratings between administrators. 52% (30/57) 56.5% (13/23) Percentage of administrators who indicate the FFT will provide consistent ratings between administrators. 65% (13/20) 100% (8/8)

23 Effective Feedback Percentage of teachers who indicate they have received effective feedback about teaching and learning 50% (34/67*) Percentage of administrators who indicate the FFT will enable effective feedback about teaching and learning 72% (13/18*) * Several respondents left this question blank Feedback (pre and post) using a common rubric helped to create common dialogue related to the critical attributes and evidence for each domain Subjectivity is reduced

24 Effective Feedback PrePost Percentage of teachers who indicate they have received effective feedback about teaching and learning. 50% (34/67) 75% (18/24) Percentage of administrators who indicate the FFT will enable effective feedback about teaching and learning 72% (13/18) 100% (8/8)

25 Next Steps/Lessons Learned


27  Technology  Wireless network  Additional technology has been purchased  User difficulty navigating the platform for the Danielson Framework

28 Next Steps/Lessons Learned Continue to develop a Common Understanding and Language

29 Inspire

30 Questions?

31 Thank You Marisa M. King, Ed.D. Deirdre Spollen-LaRaia, Ed.D.

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