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TNO Built Environment and Geosciences 1 Research on Design Support at TNO Sander van Nederveen.

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1 TNO Built Environment and Geosciences 1 Research on Design Support at TNO Sander van Nederveen

2 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences2 Contents History Organization, mission, scope, positioning Projects eConstruct ICCI and ROADCON iBuild Other projects Evaluation, conclusions, future

3 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences3 History Round 1986: start of TNO Bouwinformatica (= TNO Computer Integrated Construction) CAD, Data Exchange, Product Modelling, ISO STEP, General AEC Reference Model (GARM, 1988) EU-projects 1990-1995 IMPPACT, ATLAS, COMBINE, PISA, MARITIME, 1996-2000 VEGA, CONCUR 2000-2004 eConstruct, ICCI, ROADCON 2005-2008 SWOP, MANUBUILD, …. PhD-projects Böhms, De Waard, Luiten, Krom, Bakkeren, Willems, Van Nederveen, Schevers

4 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences4 Organization (2001-2004) Dept of Building Process Innovation (35 persons) Design Support Team Chain Integration Team Building Code Team Policy, Planning and Decision Support Team

5 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences5 Mission, scope, positioning Mission: Support multi-disciplinary design processes, using methods and tools, in order to help clients with better processes and/or better designs. Scope and themes: Multidisciplinary design and LC-integration Model-based design Early design Positioning: Product modelling tradition Similarities with functional design/rational design and systems engineering approaches Alexander, Eekels, etc

6 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences6 Project: eConstruct EU-project, 2000-2002 E-commerce and e-business in construction “Building and Construction XML”: bcXML Demonstration system: Contractor buys doors from Door Suppliers

7 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences7 Projects: ICCI and ROADCON Interrelated EU-projects, 2001-2004 ICCI: co-operation and joint dissemination of 6 existing EU- projects on ICT for Construction ROADCON: vision and roadmap for ICT in Construction

8 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences8 Project: iBuild Joint initiative with Willems Van Den Brink Architects and EDC Consultants “Mass Customization in Residential Building” Integrated system, controlled by Customer, with automated: Building performance analysis Code-checking Visualisation and VR Industrial Production Data Big marketing effort Research under pressure

9 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences9 Other Projects Object Trees For railway projects VISI Communication in Civil Engineering ASVB ICT Architecture for ambitious construction enterprise Demand Support by Virtual Experts PhD-project Hans Schevers Strategic Design Knowledge Centre for Buildings and Systems IFCs, Ontologies and Semantic Web

10 TNO Building Environment and Geosciences10 Evaluation, Conclusions, Future Difficulty to reach Practice TNO Reorganisation + poor financial performance 2004 => (formal) end of Design Support team + staff reduction Still Plans and Ambitions: Multi-disciplinary design, Supported by IFCs, ontologies and semantic web, iBuild EU-projects PSI Bouw: value engineering approach (De Ridder)

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