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External Team Observation Summary.  Staff has aligned results analysis with the needs of students to set goals ◦ There is a focus on building skills.

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Presentation on theme: "External Team Observation Summary.  Staff has aligned results analysis with the needs of students to set goals ◦ There is a focus on building skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 External Team Observation Summary

2  Staff has aligned results analysis with the needs of students to set goals ◦ There is a focus on building skills ◦ Learning lab concept supports students in need  Individualized and adaptive instruction ◦ The teachers teach to meet the varied and diverse learning styles of the students. ◦ Differentiated activities allow students to do their personal best. ◦ Teachers plan based on the needs of each student in their class ◦ Teachers assess daily the pace of their class and adjust instruction to meet the pace  Peer support is encouraged and taught ◦ Teachers teach students how to collaborate effectively.  Formative assessment strategies are prevalent in many teacher practices  Teachers provide students with a perspective of the world beyond the hamlet.

3  High level of loyalty to the school and community of all stakeholders.  High level of school council, parent and community involvement ◦ Involved in the Planning process ◦ Planning for the school’s future ◦ Volunteers and coaches ◦ Partnerships with community businesses, organizations and Woodland’s County  Joint use of facilities ◦ The LIBRARY is awesome!!! ◦ Arena, fair grounds, ball diamonds ◦ Use of the school building by the community  Traditions and legacy ◦ Alumni tournament ◦ Grad pictures, Bear Pride, 2 nd, 3 rd... Generation students

4  Daily routines set a positive tone ◦ The announcements inform and presuppose a good day ◦ Attendance monitoring tells students that their presence is important  Great relationships between teachers and students ◦ Students feel Acceptance and Belonging ◦ Students genuinely feel like their teachers care ◦ Confidence to approach staff or support and help ◦ Staff make themselves available to help, any time of day  Teachers and staff talk with each other about the needs of students ◦ Staff are empathic to the students’ lives and circumstances ◦ They understand where these kids are coming from and what they need It’s a family!

5  Inspire Organizational Trust: “What you do speaks more loudly than what you say” ◦ Build Trustworthy Systems  Consider a method or structure to formalize the school discipline and or behaviour procedures to create greater consistencies of expectations and consequences throughout the school ◦ Consider Administrative ‘presence’.  Be visible in classrooms and hallways... In all parts of the school  Organize Administrative teaching time to facilitate support for others and to demonstrate instructional leadership.

6  Clarify Purpose: It is time to collectively revisit the vision, mission and purpose statements ◦ These statements need to lead, not just reflect the practices of the staff. ◦ “A clear understanding of purpose is needed in order to make work meaningful and thereby attract, retain and motivate outstanding people” (Jim Collins – Good to Great)  Focus the school and community on Teaching and Learning.

7  Align Systems: Choose Wildly Important Goals ◦ What critical activities, if done with excellence, will have the greatest impact on results?  Increase prominence of the Assessment for Learning Strategies  Consider ways to improve time on task in junior and senior high  Reduce the movement of students in the hallways etc  Engage students in the first minutes of each class – make them want to be there  Consider adjusting staff deployment  Support at risk students at all levels  Support students in independent programs  Increase teacher, parent and student ‘ownership’ of IPPs

8  Unleash Talent: “Communicate to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves” (Steven R. Covey) ◦ Clarify expectations and accountability  Develop an orientation program for new staff.  As a staff, review expectations and procedures regularly  ‘Coles Notes’ staff handbook ◦ Affirm worth and potential  Select teachers to serve as leaders for PD, Technology, Special Education, Extra-curricular, online Learning, Events coordination, etc... And give them the authority to act  Explore the potential of a junior/senior high music club

9  Unleash Talent: “Communicate to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves” (Steven R. Covey) ◦ Clear the Path – Be a source of help  Encourage and facilitate broader utilization of the AISI Assessment coaches... And associated applications of Assessment for Learning Strategies.  Encourage and facilitate broader utilization of the Learning Technologies Coordinator.

10  The staff… ◦ for the hospitality and openess  Mr. Menduk and Mr. Kaplan ◦ for their professionalism throughout the process  Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. O’Brien… ◦ For keeping us busy and organized  The parents… ◦ for their willingness to participate and contribute to the school’s growth  The students… ◦ for welcoming our presence and for their honesty

11 Any Questions?

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