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Gods of Greek Mythology Przygotował: Maciej Gmerek IIa.

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1 Gods of Greek Mythology Przygotował: Maciej Gmerek IIa

2 Zeus Zeus was son of Cronus and Rheia. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, the oak and shield „Egida”. He was a ruler of mountain Olimp, sky, thunder and He was a king of gods.

3 Achilles Achilles was son of Peleus and sea nymph Thetis. He hasn’t got any atributtes but he was immortality. His weak point was his heel and when he was hurt in his heel he died.

4 Poseidon Poseidon was a son of Cronus and Rheia. His symbol are trident and chariot to pull with tritons and nereides. He was a Protector of sailors and fishermans. He was a God of sea.

5 Hefajstos He was son of Zeus and Hera. He was the god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy, and fire.

6 Dionysus He was son of Zeus and mortal woman Semele. He was god of wine, party, fertility. He was the patron deity of agriculture and the theatre.

7 Nike She was a daughter of titan Pallus and goddess of Styks. Her symbol is olive branch. She is patron of sportsman and warriors.

8 Hades Hades was son of titan Cronus and Rheia. His symbols are scepter and keys. He was a god of Death Land.

9 Athena She was a daughter of Zeus and Metis. Her symbols are shield „Egida”, spear, helmet, owl and olive tree. She was goddess of wisdom, art and justice war. She was a protector of Athens.

10 Asclepius He was son of Apollo and nymph Koronis. His symbol is staff entlaged across the snake. He was a protector of healers.

11 Ares He was son of Zeus and Hera. His symbols are sword and shield, his animals are dog, hawk, wolf, vulture. He was a god of war.

12 Artemis She was daughter of Zeus and Leto. Her symbols are bow and arrows, her favourite animal is doe. She was goddess of hunting.

13 Apollo He was son of Zeus and Leto. His hasn’t got any symbols. He was a god of beauty, light, life, death, music, omens, truth, arrangement, protector of art and poety, leader of muses.

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