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The group is developing readout electronics for initial use with the prototype test-stand at Fermilab. This work will contribute towards the design and.

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Presentation on theme: "The group is developing readout electronics for initial use with the prototype test-stand at Fermilab. This work will contribute towards the design and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The group is developing readout electronics for initial use with the prototype test-stand at Fermilab. This work will contribute towards the design and cost-estimate for a full-scale NLC muon detector readout. Readout Electronics Development for the NLC Muon Detector Mani Tripathi Britt Holbrook (Engineer) Juan Lizarazo (Physics student) Yash Bansal (EE student)

2 Issues to be Addressed Multiplexing several fibers in one PMT channel - besides mux-ing physically distant fibers, time-separation can be achieved by adding clear fiber delays to channels. Noise rate in Multi-anode PMT at 1.5 p.e. threshold - to be determined. Optimum resolution in time-of-arrival determination - 250 ps can be easily achieved. If TOF measurement is a goal, we will need to consider improving the resolution. Optimum resolution in pulse height/photon counting - 6-8 bit digitization with Gsamples/s can be easily achieved. If 12 bits are required for calorimetry, it can be implemented

3 Simplified Schematic +V Voltage Sensing Amp Pre-amp Co-ax cable Variable Splitter High Gain Output Low Gain Output PMT I DC Anode Current Monitoring The Pre-amp is powered by I DC from the Amp which also measures the anode current. The co-ax can be upto 100’ long without much loss in signal. PMT base-board

4 Amplifier Schematic

5 Work in Progress A PC board for housing 16-channel PMT is being developed. Dimensions 4.5” x 4.5”. Dynode resistor chain is built-in. On-board preamplifiers. Preamp gain ~ x10 Preamp bandwidth ~ 1.6 GHz. Post-amplifiers with two outputs have already been developed. The two channels can have different gains for extending resolution in digitization. DAQ for the test-stand will consist of CAMAC TDCs and ADCs. Modules have been borrowed from PREP for this purpose.

6 Amplifier Response OUTPUT INPUT

7 Inexpensive RF amplifiers Manufactured by Mini Circuits. The cost per chip is ~ $1.50 Ideal for remote sensing because d.c. power is supplied on the same co-ax that carries the signal pulse.

8 HV Signal Outputs (total 16) Dynode resistor chain and capacitors Monolithic wide-bandwidth preamplifiers PMT base-board/Preamplifier Layout

9 Summary Amplification system has been developed. Prototypes will be produced this summer. DAQ modules have been acquired for the temporary system for the test-stand. A digitization and acquisition system is being designed.

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