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Tabulation over opinion survey on e-Goia phase I demonstrator, consummated during the International Seminar - SAC 10 years - Salvador - BA, on September.

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Presentation on theme: "Tabulation over opinion survey on e-Goia phase I demonstrator, consummated during the International Seminar - SAC 10 years - Salvador - BA, on September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tabulation over opinion survey on e-Goia phase I demonstrator, consummated during the International Seminar - SAC 10 years - Salvador - BA, on September 21 and 22, 2005

2 The event On September 21 and 22, 2005 the International Seminar - SAC 10 years, promoted by the Government of the State of Bahia, occurred. The lecture “Innovation in Electronic Government – Project eGoia” was proffered on 22/09, during Panel 4 – Innovation in Public Services Provision: Electronic Government, Knowledge Management and ICT Usage, by Maurício de Moraes (Technology Manager at PRODESP and representative of the eGoia project). In these two days a stand displayed the presentation of the 1st demonstrator of eGoia project, and there the project was divulged among all interested participants.

3 Representatives of eGoia project in the event

4 The interest of the participant public in the event

5 The stand with the eGoia project ‘Demonstrator’

6 SURVEY TABULATION 94 out of 104 questionnaires distributed were responded by the spectators of the project presentation, consummated in the Panel 4 of the International Seminar.

7 Profile of the participant Public in the Survey

8 Presentation of questions and results verification

9 The integration of systems and databases demonstrated by e-Goia was of clear understanding to you? NO YES

10 The integration of public services demonstrated by e-Goia was of clear understanding to you? NO YES

11 Was it evidenced that the integration proposition implies in the revision of processes? NO YES

12 Was it evidenced that the integration proposition implies in the revision of services structuring and cooperation between agencies? NO YES

13 Thinking in terms of your own organization, how do you see the application of the integration of systems and services proposition? NOT APPLICABLE FULLY APPLICABLE

14 Thinking in terms of your own organization, how do you see the application of the integration of systems and services proposition? WOULD BRING RELEVANT RESULTS WOULD NOT BRING RELEVANT RESULTS

15 In your opinion, the integration of systems and services exposed by e-Goia can make the provision and management of public services more efficient and efficacious? NO YES

16 From your point of view, the integration of systems and services, as exposed on e- Goia, improves citizen assistance, thus generating more satisfaction? NO YES

17 Implementation of stages that would facilitate the migration of public services to the electronic environment

18 Aside from the use of the internet as a mean of interaction between citizen and service, number, in order of preference, other forms of media for offering public services PREFERENCE ORDER

19 Aside from the use of the internet as a mean of interaction between citizen and service, number, in order of preference, other forms of media for offering public services PREFERENCE ORDER

20 Aside from the use of the internet as a mean of interaction between citizen and service, number, in order of preference, other forms of media for offering public services PREFERENCE ORDER

21 Aside from the use of the internet as a mean of interaction between citizen and service, number, in order of preference, other forms of media for offering public services

22 Comments and Suggestions - samples The project is excellent, applicable and with positive results, congratulations. A good lesson for other forms of citizen attendance to fight too. Open this channel in other States. How will the matter of required documentation be handled so that the execution of the service is secure? Is digital certification the way? I consider this a very rich proposition, and the integration and dissemination should be a tool that all States should acquire and make use of. It is necessary to standardize the access to services, but that is not of agencies’ interest. There is no political will for the integration of systems. Integration of the visually handicapped through audio. The 1st step is to invest much more in digital inclusion, because the number of people that has no access is large. To implement a greater number of free access locations and basic orientation for users.

23 Comments and Suggestions - samples The project is very interesting but its practical application will face problems in the bureaucracy between agencies. The project is a necessity of all citizens but we should be concerned about the cost of the project, which will influence the service costs. What is the effect of blocking the lost identity issued if the new one will possess the same number of the previous issues? To have more attendance meetings including the participation of representatives from other countries.

24 We appreciate your attention

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