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School of Collorgues 2012-2013 Let’s visit our schools. As we live in small villages, our primary schools are separated in 2 villages Collorgues and Garrigues.

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Presentation on theme: "School of Collorgues 2012-2013 Let’s visit our schools. As we live in small villages, our primary schools are separated in 2 villages Collorgues and Garrigues."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Collorgues 2012-2013 Let’s visit our schools. As we live in small villages, our primary schools are separated in 2 villages Collorgues and Garrigues. From 3 to7 years old ( year 1) we go to Collorgues..Then when we pass in year 2 we go to Garrigues. Ecole de Collorgues 2012-2013 France

2 Il y a 3 classes : nous les CP. There are 3 classes :us, Year 1.

3 Nous sommes 25. We are 25 pupils, Anne-Cécile is our teacher.

4 Sandrine is an assistant teacher.

5 Il y a les MS-GS avec Caroline. There is the reception class with Caroline.

6 And Claudette the assistant teacher. We are 27 pupils.

7 Et la classe des PS-MS. And the 3rd class with Sandra the teacher

8 Fabienne is the assistant teacher.

9 Quand on passe au CE1, on quitte Collorgues pour aller à Garrigues Ste Eulalie. When, we are in Year2 we leave the school of Collorgues to go to the school of Garrigues.

10 Voici l’école : il y a 3 classes. Here is the school : there are 3 classes.

11 La classe des CE1 ils sont 17 et Olivier est le maître. Year 2, there are 17 and Olivier is the teacher.

12 La classe des CE2-CM1, ils sont 23 et Stéphane est leur maître. Il est aussi directeur. Year 3 & 4, there are 23. Stéphane is theirb teacvher and the Headteacher as well.

13 Puis il y a la classe des CM1-CM2, ils sont 24 et la maîtresse s’appelle Joséphine. Then in the 3rd class, there are year 4 and year 6. The teacher is Joséphine.

14 Voici des photos du village : la mairie, la fontaine…elle servait d’abreuvoir autrefois. Here some pictures: the town hall, the fountain ( used for the animals in the ancient times.)

15 Le pigeonnier, le four à pain, le restaurant : la bergerie et notre boulangerie. The pigeon, collective oven, restaurant and baker.

16 Our villages from the sky. Collorgues : 548 inhabitantsGarrigues sainte Eulalie: 745 inhabitants

17 Scool of Collorgues Comenius project « The water around us » 2011-2013 Ecole de Collorgues Projet Comenius « L’eau autour de nous »

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