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Past Simple and Past Continuous. Put these sentences into the right order. I wasnt listening to the teacher. She was texting someone when I saw her. Yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Past Simple and Past Continuous. Put these sentences into the right order. I wasnt listening to the teacher. She was texting someone when I saw her. Yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Past Simple and Past Continuous

2 Put these sentences into the right order. I wasnt listening to the teacher. She was texting someone when I saw her. Yesterday I was eating my dinner when my phone rang. We were playing football last night. Last night I was playing on the computer. What were you doing this morning? 6. teacher I to listening wasnt the. 5. She saw was someone when texting I her. 4. I eating rang was my dinner yesterday my phone when. 3. were last playing football night we. 2. I was night on the playing computer last. 1. you this doing what morning were?

3 Answer the questions. Past simple? Or Past simple. Ask each other… 1.When did you come to the UK? 2.What were you doing this time last year? 3.When did you learn to drive? 4.Where were you living in the year 2000? 5.What was your first job? Where was it? 6.When did you leave home? 7.What were you thinking about this morning? 8.What was the last thing you bought? 9.What were you watching on TV last night? 10.Were you happy last year? Why? Why not?

4 1. My dad gave me a lifta) She was skiing 2. My relatives arrivedb) She was working in a restaurant. 3. The police stopped himc) It was raining 4. I opened my bedroom window. d) He was driving too fast 5. When you fell of your bike. e) It was snowing 6. She met her husbandf) I was sleeping. 7. Anna broke her legg) You werent paying attention to the road 8. Someone robbed my house h) When we were having dinner

5 Finish these sentences… 1.I was walking down the street when… 2.She was talking to a policeman because… 3.He was crying when… 4.She was laughing because… 5.The police were chasing him because… 6.I was talking on the phone while…

6 When did you last…? 1...go on holiday? 2... Eat a pizza? 3...go swimming? 4...have a fight? 5...take an exam? something? 7...tell a lie? 8...cook some food? 9...go to the cinema? 10.. go to hospital? 11...have an accident? 12....move house? 13. …go out (at night)? 14. …smoke? 15. … cry?

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