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PowerPoint AO- 3. Task 8: PowerPoint A Create an electronic slide presentation of at least three slides which will support you giving a talk to a new.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint AO- 3. Task 8: PowerPoint A Create an electronic slide presentation of at least three slides which will support you giving a talk to a new."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint AO- 3

2 Task 8: PowerPoint A Create an electronic slide presentation of at least three slides which will support you giving a talk to a new colleague about the ‘Downloadable Tunes’ business. You may use any of the information from tasks 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in your presentation. Your presentation must include both text and graphics Check the presentation using spelling and grammar checkers. Merit only B produce a presentation of at least 4 slides. You need to add slide transitions and show screenshots of setting up the printout in handout form Distinction only C produce a presentation of at least 5 slides ensuring a consistent style. You need to apply slide transitions and animations. Speaker notes need to be added to at least one slide and you will include screenshots of printouts as handouts and notes pages

3 Write-up document: AO3 write-up (distinction) Make sure you complete the write-up document as well as handing in your PowerPoint. Make sure you make it look professional!

4 Pass + Produce a business presentation using text and graphics Write a PowerPoint presentation For a specific audience Minimum 3 slides for a Pass (C) Minimum 4 slides for a Merit (B) Minimum 5 slides for a Distinction (A)


6 Pass + A minimum of 3, 4, 5 slides with both TEXT and GRAPHICS There must be text on the slides The text must be relevant There must be pictures on the slides The pictures must be relevant You must prove that you have checked the slides for errors (spelling checker)

7 Merit + Appropriate text has been used ALL of the text must be relevant to the purpose of the PowerPoint The text must be aimed at the audience Adults: “Big words”, a lot of text on the page Children: “Small words”, limited text on the page

8 Merit + Consistent style Use a Design Template (not a Background) You can download more templates from Microsoft online

9 Merit + Slide transitions

10 Distinction Animations (custom animation)


12 Pass + Checked for spelling mistakes

13 Merit + No spelling mistakes

14 Distinction Appropriate to the PURPOSE and AUDIENCE Check that the PowerPoint Fits the purpose (is what you wanted) Is appropriate for your target audience (boxes for you to write this in the write-up)

15 Distinction Near professional quality Check that the PowerPoint Is of near professional quality (if it looks like a year 7 could have produced it then it is not of a near professional standard – it must be good)


17 Distinction Speaker notes

18 Distinction Speaker notes


20 Pass + Printing You don’t need to print, but make sure you insert screenshots into your write- up that proves that you can!

21 Merit + Printing as a HANDOUT Printing

22 Distinction Printing showing NOTES PAGE Printing

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