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Star Test Review Bio-CP. Chapter 15 Evolution- organisms change over time Charles Darwin- Naturalist who went on 5 year voyage on HMS Beagle stopping.

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1 Star Test Review Bio-CP

2 Chapter 15 Evolution- organisms change over time Charles Darwin- Naturalist who went on 5 year voyage on HMS Beagle stopping at Galapagos Islands. Known for his theory of evolution and natural selection. Natural selection- nature selects for those who are the most fit for their environment to survive to reproduce Adaptations- inherited characteristics that increase an organisms chance for survival


4 Chapter 11 Meiosis- formation of gametes Gametes- sex cells (sperm or egg) Haploid- 1 copy of the chromosomes (gametes), human haploid #= 23 Diploid- 2 copies of the chromosomes (rest of cells), human diploid #= 46 Homologous pairs- one chromosome from mom and one from dad Crossing over- homologous pairs touch during meiosis and swap DNA, increases genetic diversity

5 Chapter 11

6 Gregor Mendel- Father of Modern genetics, known for his work with pea plants Genes- sequences of DNA that code for proteins Alleles- 2 forms of the gene (TT, Tt, tt) Genotype- genetic make-up (alleles) Phenotype- what you physically express (tall versus short pea plants)

7 Homo = same Homozygous dominant- TT Homozygous recessive- tt Hetero= different Heterozygous- Tt Punnett squares- uses parent’s gametes to predict probable genetic outcomes of offspring

8 Round (R) is dominant over wrinkled (r) seeds. Cross 2 heterozygous pea plants for seed shape. What are the chances the offspring will express the recessive trait?

9 Dad is heterozygous and mom is homozygous recessive. What are the chances their offspring will express the dominant trait?

10 Chapter 3 Autotroph/ producer- organism that can make its own food. Ex: plants Heterotroph/ consumer- organism that must consume food for energy. Ex: animals

11 Energy Pyramid/ trophic levels Energy flows in one direction Only 10% energy passed on to next trophic level

12 Chapter 7 Nucleus- control center of cell, contains DNA Ribosomes- site where proteins are made Rough ER- modifies proteins Golgi- packages and ships proteins Lysosomes- contains digestive enzymes to break down old cell parts, clean up crew Mitochondria- powerhouse of cell, energy, cellular respiration Vacuole- storage Chloroplast- photosynthesis in plants

13 Cell membrane- selectively permeable, only certain things can pass through the membrane Diffusion- pass through the membrane without using energy (passive transport) Osmosis- diffusion of water

14 Active transport uses energy

15 Chapter 2: Macromoleculemonomerfunctionexample carbsmonosaccharideImmediate energy Glucose, bread lipidsGlycerol, fatty acids Energy storage Fats, oils, steroids proteinsAmino acidsEverything!!Meat, enzymes Nucleic acidsnucleotidesStore, transmit hereditary info DNA, RNA

16 Atom

17 Chapter 1 Independent Variable- the one thing the experimenter changes Dependent variable- changes in response to independent variable Controlled variables- variables that remain constant throughout the entire experiment

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