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Addiction Health Improvement – Greater Glasgow and Clyde Thursday 7 th June 2007, 2-4pm Conference Room, Dalian House Health Improvement Performance and.

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Presentation on theme: "Addiction Health Improvement – Greater Glasgow and Clyde Thursday 7 th June 2007, 2-4pm Conference Room, Dalian House Health Improvement Performance and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addiction Health Improvement – Greater Glasgow and Clyde Thursday 7 th June 2007, 2-4pm Conference Room, Dalian House Health Improvement Performance and Development Framework – briefing and discussion event

2 Part 1: Addiction Health Improvement Framework Organisational context, purpose & rationale Wider policy and performance context Main elements of the framework Guidance on use / completion Support and development opportunities, including Addiction Health Improvement Network & PEN

3 Mental Health Partnership: Health Improvement Roles MHP has overall governance role in relation to mental health, addictions, homelessness and learning disability Includes overseeing health improvement areas of mental health and addiction, hosting two dedicated Health Improvement Teams Also important role supporting, resourcing and enabling high quality, evidence-based approaches to addiction health improvement across whole system

4 Addiction Health Improvement: Proposed Approach Emphasis largely on self assessment, while raising awareness on national & local targets Dominant focus on support, development and resourcing wider addiction health improvement efforts, in CH(C)Ps and allied structures Encouraging mutual support, info sharing and debate on longer term direction of travel – “community of practice” Encouraging further needs assessment, research and evaluation in order to “grow” the range of effective responses

5 Rationale and approach Complex, often controversial, area with multiple contributory factors Many challenges with monitoring of performance – data sets, “proving” cause and effect, timescales for action Evidence base also complex and “emerging”, with many macro-political issues impacting (e.g. UK taxation policy, international market in illicit drugs)

6 Wider policy and planning context Community Planning Partnership, local authority and pan-Board level actions planning – summarised in Corporate Addictions Plan submissions Board & Scottish Executive development of H.I. performance management systems – in progress CH(C)P level planning, include Development Plans Multiple connections to allied planning – children’s services planning, employment, homelessness, equalities, criminal justice, community safety…

7 Elements of Framework - 1 Outline of key policies, national and local targets; description of roles and responsibilities Range of analysis tools (Appendix 2A and 2B) to facilitate structured work on health improvement planning and delivery Provides examples of practical work programmes (2A) that can be implemented, and on which developmental support is available

8 Elements of Framework - 2 Allows analysis by key priority and by setting, as appropriate These are voluntary tools, but would encourage completion of summary pages (pages 1 to 2 of 2A) as a minimum Seek your permission to share summaries – e.g. on addiction HI network systems Further active support available in discussing frameworks, local plans and delivery issues

9 Elements of Framework - 3 Main categories of action Addressing diversity and inequalities Support and harm reduction for vulnerable groups Population based harm reduction and early intervention Prevention and education and young people Culture change and communities

10 Addiction Health Improvement Network “Communities of practice: groups of people informally bound together by shared expertise and passion for a joint enterprise” Etienne Wenger et al…

11 Addiction Health Improvement Network: Main Functions Access to high quality written material – via web, email, print… Evidence base Needs information Summaries of activity, experiences, reflections Resources Fostering people contact: 1-to-1 contact Supporting local groups Supporting larger, more formal gatherings and events Stimulating effective action aimed at improving population health and well-being in relation to addictions

12 Addiction Health Improvement Network Emphasis on connecting up people and resources Will be participatory and about sharing practice, not top-down Will use variety of communication methods, including web, newsletters and briefings, seminars, training events, workshops etc Part of the developing Public Health Network for Greater Glasgow and Clyde

13 Part 2: Key addiction health improvement challenges and responses Main categories of action Addressing diversity and inequalities Support and harm reduction for vulnerable groups Population based harm reduction and early intervention Prevention and education and young people Culture change and communities

14 Part 2: Key addiction health improvement challenges and responses Alcohol – main challenges Binge drinking Alcohol and young people Alcohol and crime Accident and emergency admissions

15 Part 2: Key addiction health improvement challenges and responses Alcohol – main challenges cont. Children affected Alcohol and older people Alcohol and pregnancy ARBD

16 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Alcohol – main responses City centre initiatives Community prevention trial Glasgow matters community television Nite Zone

17 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Pricing and taxation policies Irresponsible promotions policy Enforcement of existing laws Custody card initiative City Centre off sales campaign

18 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Advertising and promotion Best Bar None Award Scheme Safer licensed premises Indecision Project (North CHCP) Licensing new premises Outlet density initiative Supporting the implementation of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005

19 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Education Alcohol and drug education consultancy service for secondary schools Play safe campaign GEAAP interactive website – GENIUS (East CHCP) Children affected - Project alcohol DVD Home carers training on alcohol and older people (Glasgow City & South Lanarkshire) Alcohol and pregnancy resource

20 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Research Alcohol and smoking A&E Alcohol and communities Alcohol and older people needs assessment Others Represented on the Alcohol Health Improvement Forum Alcohol Initiatives Fund Local communication strategies (West Dun. CHCP)

21 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Drugs – main challenges Drugs and young people Children affected Enforcement of existing laws Increase opportunities to training, education and employment Reduce drug related deaths Reduce numbers of individuals being affected by Hepatitis C

22 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Drugs – main responses Young people Youth worker training the trainers new modules (East Dun. CHCP) Children affected Re-launch of the Glasgow Association of Family Support Projects Rollout of the ‘Family matters’ resource

23 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Enforcement of existing laws Continued promotion of the ‘Making Youth Drug Policy Guidelines Clearer’ resource pack Training, education & Employment Development of a student resource Policy development with employers

24 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Drug related deaths Staff training on overdose prevention in the hostels Service user training on overdose prevention in the hostels Pilot of the non-fatal overdose recording form in the homeless setting Naloxone pilot Resource developments via Overdose Campaign Group

25 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Hepatitis C action plan initiatives Represented on the BBV Prevention and Education Sub-Group Safer injecting practices training for frontline staff Peer led training pilot on safer injecting practices Resource development & agreement on the types of paraphernalia to be made available to IDU’s in the pre-packs Outreach / backpacking service pilot Others Represented on the Scotland Future Forum Network

26 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Alcohol and Drugs main responses NHSGGC specialist and primary care service Acute action plan implementation Community setting action plan implementation Young people Diversionary activities – ex - Big Night In (South West CHCP) Homelessness Joint training staff training brochure

27 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Inequalities Language line Education Existing youth workers training the trainer programme Teacher training – primary and secondary schools (East Ren.CHP) Resource catalogues –addiction / youth Research Research group via Greg Usrey (South West CHCP)

28 Addiction health improvement challenges and responses Joint working Community Sub-Group - Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Awareness Week Prevention and Education Model Public Health Network Capacity building Health Improvement staff (West CHCP) Prevention and Education Practitioners Alcohol and Drug Forum members

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