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Click to edit Master subtitle style 3/9/09 Program Committee Meeting Kaohsiung, 5 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style 3/9/09 Program Committee Meeting Kaohsiung, 5 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 3/9/09 Program Committee Meeting Kaohsiung, 5 March 2009

2 3/9/09 Agenda Roll Call Review of 27th APAN Meeting 28th APAN Meeting – Status Update 29th APAN Meeting – Australia Election AOB

3 3/9/09 Review of 27th APAN Program took sometime to set up Drop in number of WG meetings Program Committee VC and phone bridge Registration open a bit late Wireless and wired (in room) network Power cords

4 3/9/09 Improvements Inform CC of progress regularly Every WG own one 90-min session especially in KL Plenaries are the responsibility of the PC One person from TERENA in PC Improve technical/infrastructure content Balance between APAN and collaboration sessions/less conflicting with APAN sessions

5 3/9/09 28th APAN meeting - KL VC for PC meeting – AARnet will be hosting the VC Reduce the number of days from 4 to 3 Location of event – Number of parallel rooms Network connectivity (R&E network) Theme “Global Outreach through Future Internet” Plenary speakers Possible WG meetings

6 3/9/09 28th APAN meeting - KL Suggested Timeline – Website 15 March – Registration/hotel 1 April – Draft program 15 April – Plenary speakers 30 April – Meeting: 20-23 July

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