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Vocabulary Unit 7 Part A Student Card - Side 1 Student Card Side - 2 Vocabulary word Part(s) of Speech Rate your understanding 1-5 Student’s initials.

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2 Vocabulary Unit 7 Part A Student Card - Side 1 Student Card Side - 2 Vocabulary word Part(s) of Speech Rate your understanding 1-5 Student’s initials Description, explanation, examples Graphic Book Definition Synonyms

3 authorize verb aw-thuh-rahyz Authorize means to give approval or official permission to do something. A doctor can authorize you to skip P.E. for medical reasons. (v.) to approve or permit; to give power or authority to order, entitle, empower A green light authorizes you to go.

4 culprit noun kuhl-prit A culprit is the person who did something wrong. To say the culprit was caught red-handed, means he was caught doing the crime! (n.) a person who has committed a crime or is guilty of some misconduct; an offender lawbreaker, wrongdoer The culprit wore gloves when he broke into the safe, leaving no fingerprints.

5 dawdle verb dawd-l Dawdle means to move slowly or waste time when you should be doing something else. If you dawdle in the morning, you will be late for school. (v.) to waste time; to be idle; to spend more time in doing something than is necessary delay, loiter, dillydally A sloth naturally dawdles!

6 dissect verb dahy-sekt Dissect means to take apart something, so you can study it. Students sometimes dissect frogs in science. (v.) to cut apart in preparation for scientific study; to analyze with great care examine I don’t think kids should dissect frogs!!!!!

7 expend verb ik-spend Expend means to use up something. If you expend all your money, you are broke. (v.) to pay out, spend; to use up utilize, consume, disburse If you expend your energy, you need to replenish your strength. Got milk?

8 fatality noun fey-tal-i-tee When someone dies in an accident, we call them a fatality. (n.) an event resulting in death; an accidental death casualty, mortality

9 gullible adjective guhl-uh-buhl A person who is easily fooled is gullible. If your friend believes everything you say, he is probably gullible. (adj.) easily fooled, tricked, or cheated trusting, naïve, credulous Some people might say you are gullible if you believe in the Tooth Fairy.

10 illicit adjective ih-lis-it Illicit means something is illegal. Illicit drugs are not prescribed by a doctor. (adj.) not permitted, unlawful, improper illegal, unauthorized, forbidden Burglary is an illicit act; it is a crime.

11 immerse verb ih-murs Immerse means to dunk in a liquid. If you are really involved in your work, you are immersed in work. (v.) to plunge or dip into a fluid; to involve deeply dunk, engross, plunge Does Santa dunk? If he does, he immerses his cookie in milk!

12 inflammatory adjective in-flam-uh-tawr-ee Something that makes us angry or really upset is inflammatory. (adj.) causing excitement or anger; leading to unrest, violence, or disorder provoking, incendiary, provocative

13 Vocabulary Unit 7 Part B Student Card - Side 1 Student Card Side - 2 Vocabulary word Part(s) of Speech Rate your understanding 1-5 Student’s initials Description, explanation, examples Graphic Book Definition Synonyms

14 memorandum noun mem-uh-ran-duhm A memorandum is a written reminder or informal note. Some people say memo for short! (n.) a note to aid one’s memory; an informal note or report (pl., memorandums or memoranda) reminder

15 pathetic adjective puh-thet-ik If something is really bad or lame, we say it is pathetic. If something is really sad, we also say it is pathetic. (adj.) marked by strong emotion, especially pity and sorrow; able to move people emotionally; worthy of pity; woefully inadequate or lacking moving, distressing, pitiable, heartrending Their pathetic defense will lose us the game!

16 persevere verb pur-suh-veer If you keep going towards your goal no matter what, you persevere. (v.) to keep doing something in spite of difficulties; to refuse to quit even when the going is tough plug away, pursue, stick to it

17 prevaricate verb pri-var-i-keyt If you lie, you prevaricate. (v.) to lie, to tell an untruth; to mislead on purpose stretch the truth, equivocate My dog ate my homework!

18 quash verb kwosh Quash means to destroy or put down an idea. Instead of quash, we usually say we crush things like a soda can. (v.) to crush, put down completely suppress The king’s army tried to quash the rebellion.

19 relish noun or verb rel-ish If you relish something, you really enjoy it! Do you relish chocolate? (n.) enjoyment or satisfaction; something that adds a pleasing flavor; (v.) to enjoy greatly pleasure, gusto; take delight in Some people think pickle relish makes a hot dog taste better.

20 reminisce verb rem-uh-nis When you remember the past fondly, you reminisce. When our parents tell cute things we did when we were little, they are reminiscing. (v.) to recall one’s past thoughts, feelings, or experiences remember, recollect

21 scour verb skou-er Scour means to look at something closely. Scour also means to scrub something clean. (v.) to clean or polish by hard rubbing; to examine with great care; to move about quickly in search of scrub, search, comb

22 testimonial noun tes-tuh-moh-nee-uhl To make a testimonial about your best friend, you could tell everyone what a good person he or she is. (n.) a statement that speaks to a person’s character or to the benefits of a product; expressing the value and worth of someone or something memorial, tribute, evidence, statement

23 writhe verb rahyth Writhe means to twist and turn like something hurts. (v.) to make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggests pain or struggle twist, squirm, thrash A fish out of water twists and turns to get back in the water; it writhes.

24 Sources (pronunciation) Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop (definitions/synonyms) (descriptions)

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