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Revising II: Looking at Language – Using Vernacular Objective: To revise text by giving the text a “true voice” C.C.C.S: W8.3, W8.4, W8.5 Do Now: Take.

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Presentation on theme: "Revising II: Looking at Language – Using Vernacular Objective: To revise text by giving the text a “true voice” C.C.C.S: W8.3, W8.4, W8.5 Do Now: Take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revising II: Looking at Language – Using Vernacular Objective: To revise text by giving the text a “true voice” C.C.C.S: W8.3, W8.4, W8.5 Do Now: Take out homework (completed drafts) to be checked and Revision I worksheet

2 “Voice” The ability to write like the character would sound helping you to better understand the character and visualize them Using everyday speech (vernacular) helps to achieve this feel, but differs depending on the setting (time and place)

3 How the pros did it… Love that Dog uses phrases and writes like a young boy - “that’s okay” and “all that stuff” - run-on sentences

4 How the pros did it… Houdini, the Handcuff King wrote with the policeman’s Irish brogue (Irish accent and vernacular) - “…don’t ye know, an’ every set o’ we ever slapped on ‘im”

5 Ericka’s story Even when dialogue isn’t used, but certain language can be used to point out the time period and location - “allied attack”, “concentration camp, Mauthausen, Dachau”, ghetto (World War II terminology) - VERBOTEN (German for “forbidden”)

6 Your turn… Determine where characters are speaking –Think about each how this person would sound –What words or way of using words could be used to portray this personality After, turn and talk to your partner –either explain what you want to write or act out how you want the character to sound and transfer it to paper –give your partner feedback on the “voice” of their memoir Homework: your rough draft should be: in mode and be revised for “voice”/vernacular AND deciding which words/ideas are necessary

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