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Setting up your ISN!.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting up your ISN!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting up your ISN!

2 Personalize it! The first page in your ISN belongs all to you!
Be sure to include this important information: Name Date (the ISN started) Period Decorations – you may have pictures, symbols, quotes, lyrics…anything that represents who you are or what you like! 

3 Copy rules on the last page
Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) Rules (Composition Book) The ISN must be brought to class every day. NO Ripping out pages from the ISN. Right Side of pages are used for daily class notes, Words of Wisdom (WOW) The top left side is used for the Write and Reflect (WAR) You must write out the daily WAR question or prompt before answering it. The bottom left side is used to “Work it Out” and process information (WIO) All work done in the WIO must be your own work. This is for comprehension. You must write the TOPIC #, TOPIC TITLE, and DATE on the top right hand corner for each entry. Table of Contents must be filled in with each new entry. Your ISN is part of the 30% Class work grade and must be kept up to date. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to copy down the missed assignment from the Master ISN Teacher Book. Student Signature __________________________________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________________________

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