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Alternate Energy Sources Chapter 4.2 At the present rate of consumption of fossil fuels, we will run out in 170 years.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternate Energy Sources Chapter 4.2 At the present rate of consumption of fossil fuels, we will run out in 170 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternate Energy Sources Chapter 4.2 At the present rate of consumption of fossil fuels, we will run out in 170 years.

2 Solar Energy Free fuel and non-polluting Free fuel and non-polluting Solar panels (collectors) Solar panels (collectors) + Heat air in homes, water + Energy can be collected and converted to electricity – Note always available (cloudy days/night)


4 Nuclear Energy Radioactive materials that release energy through nuclear fusion Radioactive materials that release energy through nuclear fusion + Uranium (heavy atom) nuclei split releasing energy (chain reaction) – Cost, safety, disposal


6 Wind Energy Harness kinetic energy in wind and convert it to electricity Harness kinetic energy in wind and convert it to electricity

7 Hydroelectric Power The power that falling water generates drives turbines to produce electricity The power that falling water generates drives turbines to produce electricity –5% of electricity in U.S. –Potential energy (stored) → Kinetic energy (motion)

8 Geothermal Energy Tapping into natural underground reservoirs of steam and hot water Tapping into natural underground reservoirs of steam and hot water –Heating –Electricity

9 Tidal Power Energy harnessed by constructing a dam across the mouth of a bay or estuary Energy harnessed by constructing a dam across the mouth of a bay or estuary –In and out flow = energy

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