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JMM1 Editing a 3GPP spec - tips for experts Move to next slide.

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Presentation on theme: "JMM1 Editing a 3GPP spec - tips for experts Move to next slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 JMM1 Editing a 3GPP spec - tips for experts Move to next slide

2 JMM2 Question: Why am I editing this specification? Answer: To incorporate the modifications presented in one or more Change Requests which have been agreed by the relevant plenary* meeting. * Note: The responsibility for further development of all GSM specifications (except the 13.-series) has been transferred from the original SMG working group to the analogous working group in the appropriate 3GPP TSG. This change of responsibility also extends to maintenance of previous releases of the GSM specs. Move to next slide

3 JMM3 Open the document. (The examples shown in this and the following slides have been chosen more or less at random.) 3GPP Move to next slide

4 JMM4 Before editing a 3GPP spec, ensure you have the correct template file* for Word installed in Word’s ‘user templates’ directory**... * ** e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\ Move to next slide

5 JMM5 Ensure you have the 3GPP template file in Word’s ‘user templates’ directory... Move to next slide

6 JMM6 … and that you attach it to the document! Move to next slide

7 JMM7 If you have any doubt about the previous use of the permitted styles, DO NOT check this box! This will ensure that the previous ‘wrong’ formatting is preserved. Move to next slide

8 JMM8 Ensure the top line reads 3GPP TS Or 3GPP TR and not simply 3G TS or 3GTR – the new designation was decided on at TSG#9. 3GPP Move to next slide

9 JMM9 Update the version number. The new version number can be determined from the ‘status list’ which is in turn based on the proposals in the CR database. Note: The version number should appear only once, on the top line. The “release” line at the end of the title should contain only the release identity, as shown here. 3GPP Move to next slide

10 JMM10 Date: year and month of plenary meeting which approved the CR(s) included in this new version. 3GPP Move to next slide

11 JMM11 If necessary, update the release number. Permissible values are: Release 1999 Release 4 Release 5 and in addition for GSM specs only, Phase 1 * Phase 2 * Release 1996 Release 1997 Release 1998 *Phase 1 and 2 are closed and only very exceptional changes are anticipated. 3GPP Move to next slide

12 JMM12 WARNING!! The first line (spec id) and the Release line at the end of the title are in special font styles enabling the text to be reproduced in the headers of subsequent pages. Take care not to corrupt these styles. 3GPP Move to next slide

13 JMM13 Insert the GSM logo for specifications which are pure GSM (i.e. not UMTS / 3 rd generation), if this is missing. 3GPP TS 44.900 Move to next slide

14 JMM14 Ensure the 3GPP logo bears the “trade-mark” symbol. (If not, replace the graphic with that from the TS/TR boilerplate document.) 3GPP TS 44.900 Move to next slide

15 JMM15 Check that the title is correct. Move to next slide In this case, the second line is wrong. Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; And there is an unnecessary capital letter in the main element of the title. Working methods

16 JMM16 Move to next slide The last line should not bear the spec number (even correctly rendered!). (Release 1999)

17 JMM17 Change to “page layout” view. Move to next slide Check that the frames on the first page have not been displaced (e.g. by an exceptionally long title).

18 JMM18 Ensure that no ETSI work item reference appears on the second page. Early 3GPP documents showed this. If it appears, delete the two offending lines. Move to next slide

19 JMM19 Change the copyright year if necessary. Move to next slide

20 JMM20 Ensure the correct names are shown for the Organizational Partners. Move to next slide (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC)

21 JMM21 Enter details of the change into the change history annex. The title of this part of the document varies from spec to spec. However, it is always the last annex of the document. Ensure that the date and version are mentioned, together with details of the change and the CR number which caused it. Unfortunately, the layout of this annex varies from spec to spec. Unless you are prepared to update the entire annex, just follow the layout you find already in place. Move to next slide

22 JMM22 For TSs only, ensure that this annex is shown as ‘informative’. TRs are entirely informative, so do not require this indication. Annexes in TSs are either informative or normative. See TR 21.801 for further details. Move to next slide

23 JMM23 Delete any history box and ISBN text which may appear on the last page. Early versions of the template included this box and the ISBN text. These pertain to the ETSI publication only, and should not appear on the ‘raw’ 3GPP spec. Move to next slide

24 JMM24 Delete any other extraneous text which may appear on the last page. By decision of SA#9, rapporteur names and coordinates are not to appear in the specification itself. (Rapporteurs are identified in the specifications database / status list.) Move to next slide

25 JMM25 Edit the document as necessary. Use exactly the text given in the approved CRs. If these are mutually contradictory, you may need to contact the rapporteur and the WG chairman for advice. Be guided also by the 3GPP drafting rules (TR 21.801) and the ETSI guide to the use of English.use of English These will help you number inserted figures, guide you as to choice of paragraph style, etc. - information which is not normally contained in CRs. Move to next slide

26 JMM26 Accept all changes - do not leave revision marks in the finished document. Readers can consult the CRs to determine what the changes from the previous version are. Move to next slide

27 JMM27 Eliminate all annotations, “editor’s notes” etc. Unless there is a very good reason to leave them in place! Move to next slide

28 JMM28 In page layout view, scroll through the document to verify that there are no superfluous page breaks, that the headers are correct, etc. Move to next slide

29 JMM29 Refresh the Table of Contents (F9) and check that the actual pagination matches that claimed by the ToC. Move to next slide

30 JMM30 You should normally use the special MCC ToC button to accomplish the refresh, since this ensures correct layout as well as page numbering. Move to next slide

31 JMM31 IMPORTANT! Before closing, run the MCC Evil Eye. This runs a comprehensive error check on the file. Move to next slide

32 JMM32 When you are satisfied that all is well, save and close the file. Move to next slide

33 JMM33 Finally, ensure the file is correctly named: 21900-330.doc Corresponds to specification 21.90 version 3.3.0. Note the hyphen in the middle (not underscore). Move to next slide

34 JMM34 Then zip it to save space. Retain the same file name as the doc file (but with And deliver it by e-mail to the Specifications Manager. Move to next slide

35 JMM35 F I N Move to next spec!

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