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Cyber Time Kindergarten. Personal Information Is ok to share: – Favorite color – Favorite food – Likes and dislikes NOT ok to share – Your FULL name –

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Time Kindergarten. Personal Information Is ok to share: – Favorite color – Favorite food – Likes and dislikes NOT ok to share – Your FULL name –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Time Kindergarten

2 Personal Information Is ok to share: – Favorite color – Favorite food – Likes and dislikes NOT ok to share – Your FULL name – Parents email and name – Pet name

3 Stranger Dangers Tell an adult Say NO if you’re feeling uncomfortable: Log off Tell adult Stop playing

4 How to Use the Internet For school research Get teacher’s permission Educational purposes Get printing permission Think before you do, or some thing bad may happen to you!

5 Cyber Bullying IT’S: Unacceptable Illegal Tell an adult Stop Report it

6 S t a y i n g S a f e S- Safety first to avoid the worst! T- Trusting strangers is not smart so think before you start. A- Ask before you start your task. Y- Yes is not always the best. S- Safety rules are your best tools. A-At school, at home, let safety be known. F-Follow all the teacher’s directions, with no exceptions! E- Exit if you have to, so nothing will happen to you.

7 Safety is the best, so that don’t get yourself into a mess!!

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