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OP Art.

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1 OP Art





6 Try to count the number of black dots below.


8 Op Art Developed in the 1950s-60s
Op Art uses equal values of contrasting colors to cause the viewers eye to move involuntarily. This was a total Abstract form of art.

9 Hard-edge painting- style of art in which the artist uses crisp edges
Hard-edge painting- style of art in which the artist uses crisp edges. No brushstrokes. Abstract Art- a style of art that shows objects in simplified arrangements of shape, line, texture, and color. Often geometric.

10 Op Art Elements & Principles
Balance: is it symmetrical or asymmetrical? Pattern: “Multiplicity of Simplicity”…using the same simple pattern over and over and over… Color: Not necessary, high contrast of black and white gives powerful result. Assimilation: our tendency to minimize things and make them appear uniform. Contrast: exaggerating differences. Negative & Positive: negative surrounds positive, it is behind the figure. Positive is the figure.

11 Line- always gives us positive space. It is an abstract concept.
Multiple grouping- when we are confronted by several stimuli and how we organize it. Good figure- the perceptual ability to predict the total entity from minimum information. Proximity- objects that are near one another have a tendency to group. Similarity- all similar things have a tendency to group.

12 Op Artists Josef Albers

13 Bridget Riley

14 Victor Vasarely

15 M.C. Escher



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