Safety Committee Orientation Environmental Energy Technologies Division November 18, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Committee Orientation Environmental Energy Technologies Division November 18, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Committee Orientation Environmental Energy Technologies Division November 18, 2011

2 Title of Presentation | Date Why a Safety Committee? Encourage and heighten employee involvement in the EETD safety program Enhance communications between employees and management Opportunity to continuously improve safety within the division Division safety culture OSHA requirement- Injury and Illness Prevention Program

3 Title of Presentation | Date Integrated Safety Management

4 Title of Presentation | Date Safety Committee Mission Statement Develop and promote a healthy and safe work environment for all EETD employees, subcontractors, and visitors. The Safety Committee will monitor and continually improve division safety performance in a proactive manner

5 Title of Presentation | Date Safety Committee Responsibilities Review division safety data, identify trends, and suggest appropriate corrective actions Assist in the development and implementation of effective health and safety programs Consult on any proposed changes in the safety and health program Coordinate strategic planning of the safety program Act as a problem solving group Oversight of the Self Assessment program Annual review and update of the ISM Plan Encourage feedback and participation from employees

6 Title of Presentation | Date Safety Committee Membership- Ex Officio Committee Chair- Scientist appointed by the Division Director Deputy Division Director Operations Deputy Division Director Research Division Safety Manager Division BET Coordinator EHS Division Liaison

7 Title of Presentation | Date Safety Committee Membership- Appointed Buildings and Urban Systems Dept. (2 representatives) Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Dept. (2 representatives) Energy and Distributed Resources Dept. (2 representatives) Division Administrative Staff Representative Other Optional: Division Director, Department Heads, DOE-BSO, HR, EHS, EETD Employees

8 Title of Presentation | Date Committee Format Appointed members serve a term of two years All members are expected to participate in committee meetings and activities Estimated time commitment is 12-15 hours per year Department representatives give perspective from various EETD lab areas, work groups and buildings

9 Title of Presentation | Date Meeting Format Meet at least once every two months Committee Chair may call additional meetings as needed Agenda sent out prior to meeting Meeting minutes: –Attendance –Action Items Status –Distribute to all members, Division Director, Department Heads, EETD website

10 Title of Presentation | Date Effective Safety Committee Works together to promote safety both at work and at home Mutual respect Collaborative and shared vision Open discussion Offers solutions to continuously improve safety performance Sets clear performance expectations Generates employee involvement and support of the safety progra m

11 Title of Presentation | Date Applicable Documents EETD Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Plan EETD Self Assessment Plan EETD Monthly Safety Performance Metrics Inspection reports Safety Alerts Near Hit/Lessons Learned Reports Employee Suggestions

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