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Workflow Management Kap. 5. Architecture of Workflows Wil van der Aalst has copyrights to almost all figures in the following slideshow made by Lars Frank.

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Presentation on theme: "Workflow Management Kap. 5. Architecture of Workflows Wil van der Aalst has copyrights to almost all figures in the following slideshow made by Lars Frank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workflow Management Kap. 5. Architecture of Workflows Wil van der Aalst has copyrights to almost all figures in the following slideshow made by Lars Frank. Most of this slideshow is self study!

2 Basic idea: Separation of Control and Execution

3 Workflow Management Systems:

4 Technical infrastructure:

5 WFMC Reference model:

6 Data inside a WFS:

7 Users of a WFS:

8 Why will interfaces 3 and 4 in a WFMS give problems if more than one database are updated?

9 Potential problems around interface 3: The solutions are flexible transactions!

10 Realization of a designed workflow:

11 Adoptive workflows is not for sale and therefore most of the subject is self study!

12 Adoptive workflow systems are a research object between the two extremes. What would you do in practice if you need an adaptive workflow system and you cannot buy such a software product?

13 Changes: type, scope, and time. Tidshorisont

14 Individual changes:

15 Structural changes:

16 Problem 1: Correctness.

17 Correctness 2:

18 Errors resulting from change:

19 Some systems:

20 An WFMS example. Staffware:

21 End of session. Thank you !!!

22 Staffware icons:

23 Staffware icons 2:

24 Staffware process diagram:

25 Staffware process diagram 2:

26 Staffware definitions:

27 Worklists:

28 Workitems:

29 Cases:

30 Two other examples:

31 COSA Network editor:

32 COSA User Editor:

33 COSA MemoBox:

34 Action Workflow 1:

35 Action Workflow 2:

36 Additional tools:

37 BPR tool: Protos (Pallas Athena):

38 4 views:

39 Simulation tool: ExSpeect (Bakkenist):

40 Simulation output:

41 Verification tool: Woflan (ETU):

42 Example 1:

43 Example 2:

44 Example 3:

45 Example 4:

46 Example 5:

47 An integrated tooltest:

48 End of session Thank you !!!

49 Exercise 4.8 E-business: (Dvs. bevis soundness property ved hjælp af afledninger).

50 Which e-commerce model will you use in practice? Example with travel agency:

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