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Web development is one of our strongest suits and we take pride in the diversity of web services we offer. We develop websites ranging from relatively.

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Presentation on theme: "Web development is one of our strongest suits and we take pride in the diversity of web services we offer. We develop websites ranging from relatively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web development is one of our strongest suits and we take pride in the diversity of web services we offer. We develop websites ranging from relatively simplistic landing pages for utilization in marketing to vast ecommerce sites. Our mainstay remains however WordPress based websites built utilizing world class themes that save you time, money and aggravation.

2 We offer custom work in a variety of areas not able to be sold white-label without consultation to generate a price.

3 The Process Historically speaking the main obstacle to development can be summed up in one word – process. In the old days developing a website was a slow cumbersome procedure that involved taking photos, having film developed and scanning that film into PCs which then had files burnt to CDs which were then mailed off to the design shop. After that storyboards outlining the site were typically developed and from there a draft was made. This draft was kicked back and forth between the customer (you) and the design shop until you were satisfied. There was however an alternative even then to this process which was to go on faith and trust the design shop knew what it was doing – and they often did not. Today we have an entirely different approach to site development. Lets take a look at what that is.

4 Theme Based Design Today we dont build sites from scratch anymore and instead rely upon themes to aid us in that cumbersome process. With theme based design you are free to select a general design aesthetic that suits your tastes precisely. We work with you to first understand what your needs are – what it is your business wants to do on the web. After that we will go back to lab and get you a quote. If you decide to proceed we will commence with both advising you upon and getting your selection of a theme for your website. Once this is done its a simple matter of collecting the content you wish to put up on your website, after that its a quick painless drafting process to get you the site of your dreams.

5 Theme Advantage Some may feel that when they get a theme based site that it isnt custom enough for them – they want to get involved in that part of the process. The truth is you can be as involved as you want! A theme doesnt detract from the custom-ness of a website anymore than a car model detracts from the customizations of the driver. You are free to request modifications, color changes and functional improvements. By going with a theme based design you are putting your websites design into the hands of professionals who build themes for a living. Ask yourself who knows how to build a faster car, you or Ferrari? The same question should be asked of a website.

6 Todays Features Modern sites contain numerous features that make them incredibly better than their predecessors. These features include: 1. Online forms 2. Video Integration 3. Blog Integration 4. Image Gallerys (Fast ones!) 5. Visual Appeal (Call to Action) 6. Integrated Maps

7 Design: Theme based* Pages: 5 Design Revisions: 3** Platform: WordPress Contact Forms: Yes Lead Capture Form: Yes Emails: 5 Development Time: 30 – 45 Days Standard Website * It is the responsibility of the program member(s) and/or their clients to purchase the site theme. To purchase a theme simply browse over to theme sites such as or and purchase a WordPress theme. Once you have purchased a theme you will need to download the files. At the time of checkout you will need to transfer (Upload) the theme to us to develop the site. If you do not wish to purchase a theme yourself you may alternately submit a custom site quotation and we will add the theme cost onto the cost and generate you a custom invoice, to do that go here. ** There will be up to 3 design revisions upon the design of the site and up to 3 edit revisions per page. If additional revisions are required development costs will be added at the standard rate of 25.00 per hour. An ideal solution for small to medium sized businesses that want to establish a web presence on a budget.

8 Design: Theme based* Pages: 10 Design Revisions: 3** Platform: WordPress Contact Forms: Yes Lead Capture Form: Yes Emails: 10 Development Time: 30 – 45 Days Standard Website+ * It is the responsibility of the program member(s) and/or their clients to purchase the site theme. To purchase a theme simply browse over to theme sites such as or and purchase a WordPress theme. Once you have purchased a theme you will need to download the files. At the time of checkout you will need to transfer (Upload) the theme to us to develop the site. If you do not wish to purchase a theme yourself you may alternately submit a custom site quotation and we will add the theme cost onto the cost and generate you a custom invoice, to do that go here. ** There will be up to 3 design revisions upon the design of the site and up to 3 edit revisions per page. If additional revisions are required development costs will be added at the standard rate of 25.00 per hour. A solution for any business that is serious about their web presence and wants to establish themselves in their market.

9 Design: Theme based* Pages: 15 Design Revisions: 3** Platform: WordPress Contact Forms: Yes Lead Capture Form: Yes Emails: 15 Development Time: 30 – 45 Days Standard Website Corporate * It is the responsibility of the program member(s) and/or their clients to purchase the site theme. To purchase a theme simply browse over to theme sites such as or and purchase a WordPress theme. Once you have purchased a theme you will need to download the files. At the time of checkout you will need to transfer (Upload) the theme to us to develop the site. If you do not wish to purchase a theme yourself you may alternately submit a custom site quotation and we will add the theme cost onto the cost and generate you a custom invoice, to do that go here. ** There will be up to 3 design revisions upon the design of the site and up to 3 edit revisions per page. If additional revisions are required development costs will be added at the standard rate of 25.00 per hour. Perfect for businesses with a lot of content that want to have the freedom and scalability to put a lot of pages online.

10 Custom Websites Our packages are not right for everyone and we know that. For many businesses with dynamic and demanding web needs the solution is going to have to be custom. We have you covered!

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