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Management plan for Reisa National Park and Raisduottarhaldi Protected Landscape v/ Ann-Heidi Johansen.

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Presentation on theme: "Management plan for Reisa National Park and Raisduottarhaldi Protected Landscape v/ Ann-Heidi Johansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management plan for Reisa National Park and Raisduottarhaldi Protected Landscape v/ Ann-Heidi Johansen

2 1)What happened? 2)What did we do? 3)What are our experiences?


4 Facts in short Reisa National Park (803km²) Raisduottarhaldi Protected Landscape (80km²) Protected in 1986 Aims for protection : -protect large nature areas and landscapes with mountains and valleys -protect geological values, flora and fauna -opportunity for outdoor life in such areas Three groups of people – norwegian-sami-kven 2 reindeer husbundry districts summertime 5 reindeer husbundry districts move through area spring and autumn


6 Status management plan Working group made a draft management plan Two areas – one management plan Prepare to hand it over to the local board this autumn Local board will do the public hearing Local board will finish the plan Environmental Directorate will approve the plan

7 1) What happened ?  Protected in 1986  No approved management plan  Plans on public hearing in 1993 and 1996  Started again in 2003……  Agreement between National authorities and Sami Parliament in 2005 – consultations  Agreement between Environmental Department and Sami Parliament 2007 – guidelines new protected areas and management plans

8 2) What did we do?  Restarted prosess 2007-2008  Started to clarify the process (who involved, how to work)  Made a strategy to produce the plan  Meetings to discuss the strategy  Made it clear it was a new process  Made it clear we wanted a different kind of process  Agreement between County Governor and Sami Parliament based on the plan strategy  Established - working group - mandate for the working group

9 Arbeidsmøte 1 Oppstart: - AUs arbeid - Rammer for arbeidet Arbeidsmøte 2 Innledning: - bakgrunn for verneplan og planarbeid Arbeidsmøte 3 Nåsituasjon: - naturfaglig - kulturfaglig - bruk Arbeidsmøte 4 Strategi: - beskrivelse av framtid Arbeidsmøte 5 Forvaltning: - bruk og vern Arbeidsmøte 6 Oppgaver og ansvar: - saksbehandling - oppsyn osv Arbeidsmøte 7 - befaring? - flere møter på tema? osv Konsultasjon prosess /Agreement Sami parlament Møter med involverte inkl samiske rettighetshavere Konsultasjon Sametinget

10 Organization Oppdragsgiver: MD/Direktoratet for naturforvaltning via Fylkesmannen i Troms - DN godkjenner forvaltningsplanen, FM forv.myndighet og ansvarlig for å utarbeide plan Working group ”Reisagruppa”: Ann-Heidi Johansen (County Gov. Troms) Leader of group, write plan Members of group 6+1 secretary to write protocol Prosessansvarlig: Knut Nergård (fagsjef FM) - kontrollerer framdrift, oppfølging budsjett, sørge for at prosessen går som planlagt Other participants: Experts and specialists, different interests in the area, locals, reindeer husbundry districts not in working group -take part in meetings, discussions, «open office», e-mail, and so on Rådet: Medlemmer i ”Rådet for Reisa np” - bistå med råd i forvaltningsspørsmål til forvaltningsmyndigheten

11 Reisagroup - members from local council (1), local interests (1), landowner (1), reindeer husbundury districts (2+1), secretary (1)

12 3) What are our experiences? People involved:  Clarify process before it starts (who is involved, how to work, the content of the plan)  Clarify how to move on if you meet problems in the process, how to solve conflicts  For interests and individuals outside the group, important to know we also want their opinion, and how they can take part and when in the process.  Predictable process - creates confidence, creates peace to work  Openness in process - opens for more participation, opens for more information - wish public involved themselves more!  Discussions before public hearing, hopefully not big conflicts during public hearing, know what are the disagreements no surprises…..

13 3) What are our experiences? Working group, Reisagruppa:  Small group, all practical arrangements easier, meetings a.s.o  Talk about how you want the discussions to be - Everyone can say what they mean, not afraid of the others reaction - Talk about the case, not person, respect others opinion  Clear mandate for the working group  Dynamic process - Participants can change their opinions - «Nothing is set before it is set», back and forth  Mechanisms that ensures progress in spite of disagreements - Opportunity to suggest alternatives - Opportunity to consult with Sami Parliament if we could not solve conflict - No voting at meetings - voting if disagreements and entry to the protocol - Everyone sign protocol from last meeting – moving forward  Everyone wants to achieve something, have the best intentions  Find the right pace, some want to speed things up, some need more time  They are proud of the job! Think they have done an important job

14 3) What are our experiences? Management system / authorities:  A process will take time! Need patient impatience – «muddling through», step by step  A process means lof of work!  More than 1 person to lead the process  Process means knowledge, theoretical and practical - be clear what you know something about, what you don’t know  Know what the real conflicts are and why  Clarify process with superior authorities - resources (time and money) - understand the process  Not a project, but a process  Be brave!

15 Outdoor meetings

16 “Making a management plan is like climbing a mountain. Earlier, it was like this: You said: “let us start!”, and you ran off, heading to the top. When you were there, you said: “we have reached the top!”. But we were still struggling in the steep slope. We have to walk together and wait for each other. We have not reached the top before everyone is safely there.”

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