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Critical Design Minor Content in Motion HvA Interactieve Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Design Minor Content in Motion HvA Interactieve Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Design Minor Content in Motion HvA Interactieve Media

2 Jasper Moes Research MA Media Studies Nieuwe Media en Digitale Cultuur Universiteit van Amsterdam Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

3 Hoorcolleges 1.Design Strategies 2.Publieke Ruimten 3.Gastspreker 1 4.Gastspreker 2 5.Gastspreker 3 6.Gastspreker 4 7.Samenvatting & vragenuur Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

4 Werkgroepen Reader met verplichte literatuur. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

5 Werkgroepen Weekopdrachten: Kleine opdrachten in onderzoeksfase, helpen bij aanloop opdracht. N.B. deelopdrachten zijn verplicht en wegen mee bij eindbeoordeling! Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

6 •CC1: – –pswd: dunne2008 •V1BO1: – –pswd: jaspermoes



9 Donderdag 6 november (morgen) •Presentatie Eindopdrachten Public Design – vorig blok •12.05 – 17.20 •4e etage •In de Publieke Ruimte •Komt allen!

10 Design Strategy 1: Design to Debate Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media


12 Producten worden vaak rationeel en logisch vormgegeven, terwijl gebruikers ze emotioneel benaderen. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

13 Donald A. Norman Emotional Design: Why we Love (or Hate) Everyday Things Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

14 “[...]attractive things make people feel good, which in turn makes them think more creatively. How does that make something easier to use? Simple, by making it easier for people to find solutions to the problems they encounter. With most products, if the first thing you try fails to produce the desired result, the most natural response is to try again, only with more effort. In today’s world of computer-controlled products, doing the same operation over again is very unlikely to yield better results. The correct response is to look around and see what alternatives exist.” Fragment uit Emotional Design, hoofdstuk 1: Attractive things work better.

15 Functional Design Ofwel: functionalisme Objecten hebben een bepaalde functie. Die functie bepaalt de vorm van het object. Dutch Design: functionalisme met twist (grappig, duurzaam, esthetisch) Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

16 Dutch Design: Ladenkast van Tejo Remy, Droog Design Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

17 Critical Design Anthony Dunne en Fiona Raby Critical Design Unit en Design Interactions, Royal College of Art in London. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

18 “In Design Interactions, [...] we are interested in the social, cultural and ethical consequences of emerging technologies, and this means asking probing questions through design. To this end, we encourage students to consider the implications, as well as the applications, of new technologies, and thus to seek fresh approaches to interaction design – approaches that are meaningful and relevant today. In short, we see this field of design as a fertile way of thinking about the life around us, within us, and in the future beyond us.” Source: Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

19 Design Strategy 2: Claim the Public Domain! Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

20 Definitie publiek domein: 1. Openbare Ruimte 2. Programmatuur, teksten, beelden en geluiden (werken) die geheel vrij zijn van auteursrechten. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

21 Claiming the public domain with a critical design approach. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

22 Voorbeeld: Reverse Graffiti Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

23 Artist: Moose Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

24 “We make our images by creating a contrast through cleaning or restoring surfaces, such as walls and pavements. Our images are bold and clear, although they are non- permanent and environmentally friendly” Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media


26 Moose voor Hype gallery, Londen

27 Moose voor Size?Size? Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media


29 Voorbeeld 2: understanding public space Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

30 Artist: Delta Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media




34 Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

35 Open Source Graffiti Example: Throwies Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media


37 Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

38 Interventions in Public Space Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

39 Artist: Marc Bijl Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media


41 Design Strategy 3: Mimic the Mainstream! Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

42 Hoe werkt de mainstream? The fine art of propaganda Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

43 The fine art of propaganda De technieken van propaganda zijn beschreven door Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA) in 1937. 1)Name calling: De manier waarop iets benoemd wordt geeft het een positieve dan wel negatieve connotatie. Een voorbeeld: Tijdens de regeerperiode van Reagen werden de MX raketten "The Peacekeeper" genoemd. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

44 The fine art of propaganda 2)Glittering generalities. Het gebruik van termen als ‘vrijheid’ en ‘vooruitgang’ geven een positief gevoel. Een glittering generality heeft twee kenmerken: 1. Het is vaag 2. Het heeft een positieve connotatie Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

45 The fine art of propaganda 3) Plain Folks Technique Gebruik de taal en de gedragingen van ‘het volk’. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

46 The fine art of propaganda Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

47 The fine art of propaganda Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media Jumpstylen met Minister Rouvoet: 00507_rouvoet.html 00507_rouvoet.html

48 The fine art of propaganda 4) Bandwagon effect: “The bandwagon effect is the observation that people often do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same.Without examining the merits of the particular thing, people tend to "follow the crowd." Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

49 The fine art of propaganda 5) Repeat: Een idee of boodschap wordt herhaald in een poging om de het publiek te overtuigen. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

50 The fine art of propaganda 6) Testimonial: In promotion and advertising, a testimonial or endorsement consists of a written or spoken statement, sometimes from a public figure, sometimes from a private citizen, praising the virtue of some product. The term "testimonial" most commonly applies to the sales-pitches attributed to ordinary citizens, whereas "endorsement" usually applies to pitches by celebrities. Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

51 Mimicking the mainstream (with a critical design approach). Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

52 Voorbeeld: Adbusters Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

53 Issue: consumentisme Producten: •Adbusters Magazine, oplage 120.000. •Campagnes zoals ‘Buy Nothing Day’ en ‘TV Turnoff Week’. •Spoof Ads Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media










63 Maak je eigen spoofads: printad/ printad/ Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

64 Volgende week: Publieke Ruimten Jasper Moes Critical Design minor content in motion HvA interactieve media

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