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EPI IMAGINE Intuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative Environment Visite direction 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "EPI IMAGINE Intuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative Environment Visite direction 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPI IMAGINE Intuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative Environment Visite direction 2013

2 A Computer Graphics group 3D Modeling, Animation, Cinematography A pluridiscilinary team Marie-Paule Cani (Prof computer science Ensimag/ INPG) François Faure (Prof computer science UJF) Stefanie Hahmann (Prof applied-math, Ensimag / INPG) Jean-Claude Léon (Prof mechanics, Ense3/ INPG) Olivier Palombi (Prof in anatomy,UJF) Damien Rohmer (MdC CPE Lyon) Rémi Ronfard (CR1 INRIA) 14 PhD students 5 research engineers + 1 computer artist Administrative assistants : Catherine Bessière (INRIA), Florence Polge (ERC)

3 Intuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative Environments Major Issue : demand for more and more complex scenes Armies of Computer Artists during several years? Or automatic creation … with little control ?? Scientific focus: Creation tools for animated virtual worlds Applications to films & games, engineering, other sciences, general public

4 Creation of Virtual Worlds Practice in the film industry Best research results quickly available but… Artists do as much as they can WITHOUT computers Shape, motion, stories are drafted on paper, clay, etc. Digital stagesDesign stages [ Pixar, « Geris game » ]

5 Creation of Virtual Worlds Practice in the industry Standard software Direct editing of DoF (NURBS, subdivision) Years of training Spoils creativity! Grand challenge? Make tools as transparent to the artists as special effects were made transparent to the public! [Rob Cook, Technical director Pixar, 2009]

6 Making tools transparent ? Methodology User-centered perspective on shapes & motion High-level models embedding a priori knowledge Generate details from minimal user input Advanced transfer and editing tools Creating interactive virtual prototypes Designing & experimenting in the same system Natural interaction gestures Real-time response Long term Vision Magic pen to seamlessly create shapes, motions & stories Shape Story Motion

7 Applications Interactive virtual prototyping, various domains Civil & mechanical engineering Natural sciences Virtual anatomy: ontology, 3D modeling & animation Plants: high level representations for plants geometry Art, communication & education Interactive tools for education Design tools for artist and the public Theater: virtual staging & rehearsals Films & games Real-time, plausible clothing Virtual cinematography & film editing

8 Four scientific axes 1.High-level models for shapes In charge: Stefanie Hahmann 2.Models for real-time motion synthesis In charge: François Faure 3.Knowledge-based models for narrative design In charge: Rémi Ronfard 4.Creating and interacting with virtual prototypes In charge: Jean-Claude Léon

9 New Results 2012 First image of a flat torus [@Rohmer] The Visual Computer: FFD for GPU [Hahmann, Bonneau, Barbier, Elber, Hagen 2012] Procedural Generation of Villages on Arbitrary Terrains [Emilien, Bernhardt, Peytavie, Cani, Galin 2012]

10 Shapes 2012-2013 Design Preserving Garment Transfer [Brouet Sheffer Boissieux Cani SIGGRAPH 2012]

11 Shapes 2012-2013 (ANR Romma) Computing interfaces in assemblies [Jourdes, Bonneau, Hahamnn, Faure, Léon, SPM/CAD 2013] 11

12 Shapes 2012-2013 Analyse: morphologie et graphe de construction Analyse morphologique pour lidéalisation dobjets [F. Boussuge, J-C Léon, S. Hahmann, L. Fine, Idealized models for FEA derived fromgenerative modeling processes based on extrusion primitives, soumission Meshing RoundTable]

13 Shapes 2012-2013 Analyse: morphologie et graphe de construction Construction non triviale dobjets à partir de primitives dextrusion. (F. Boussuge, J-C Léon, S. Hahmann, L. Fine, Extraction of generative processes from B-Rep shapes and application to idealization transformations, acceptation conditionnelle SPM 13)

14 Animation 2012-2013 Adaptive Image-based Intersection Volume Adaptive Image-based Intersection Volume [B. WANG, F. FAURE, D. K. PAI] SIGGRAPH 2012

15 Animation 2012-2013 Implicit skinning Real-Time skinning with Contact Modeling [Vaillant, Barthe, Guennebaud, Cani, Rohmer, Wyvill, Gourmel, Paulin] SIGGRAPH 2013

16 Implicit skinning

17 Narrative design 2012-2013 Detecting and naming actors in movies View-independent model of actors appearances (color) from examples Compared to generic detectors, 20 % better in recall, same precision Also useful for live performances [Gandhi Ronfard CVPR 2013]

18 Narrative design 2012-2013 The Prose Storyboard Language A Tool for Annotating and Directing Movies. Pseudo-natural language description of movie shots for controled annotation of real movies & intuitive camera control in 3D animation. [Intelligent Cinematography and Editing W, Ronfard, Gandhi Boiron 2013]

19 Creation & Interaction 2012-2013 Understanding Table-top Interaction Understanding Hand Degrees of Freedom and Natural Gestures for 3D Interaction on Tabletop [Brouet, Blanch, Cani, Interact 2013]

20 Hand Navigator 2012-2013 Partnership Inria – Haption Nouveau périphérique haptique pour la saisie réaliste dobjets

21 Creation & Interaction 2013 Mutable elastic models for sculpting structured shapes Clay-like scultping! [Milliez, Wand, Cani, EUROGRAPHICS 2013]

22 Siggraph Asia 2013 Line of action Expressive character posing [Guay, Cani, Ronfard, Siggraph Asia 2013]

23 Siggraph Asia 2013 Anatomy Transfer [Dicko, Faure, Gilles, Palombi, Kavan, Cani Siggraph Asia 2013]

24 Soumissions TOG 2013 Sketching folds [Jung, Hahmann, Rohmer, Begault, Boissieux, Cani, submitted for publication 2013]

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