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Stormwater Management Program Training Presented By FAU Environmental Health & Safety Phone: 297-3129 Fax: 297-2210 Web:

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Presentation on theme: "Stormwater Management Program Training Presented By FAU Environmental Health & Safety Phone: 297-3129 Fax: 297-2210 Web:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stormwater Management Program Training Presented By FAU Environmental Health & Safety Phone: 297-3129 Fax: 297-2210 Email: Web:

2 Introduction Because FAU is located in an urbanized area, it is required by Federal and State Regulations to complete a Stormwater Management Plan



5 Stormwater Management Program FAU has developed a stormwater management program that includes best management practices, with measurable goals, to effectively implement the following six minimum control measures: 1. Public Education and Outreach: Perform educational outreach regarding the harmful impacts of polluted stormwater runoff. 2. Public Participation/Involvement: Comply with State and local public notice requirements and encourage other avenues for citizen involvement. 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: Implement a plan to detect and eliminate any non-stormwater discharges to the storm sewer system and create a system map showing outfall locations. 4. Construction Site Runoff Control: Implement and enforce an erosion and sediment control program for construction activities. 5. Post-construction Runoff Control: Implement and enforce a program to address discharges of post-construction stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment areas. 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping: Implement a program to reduce pollutant runoff from municipal operations and property and perform staff pollution prevention training.

6 Stormwater Management Program Areas of Responsibility Public Education and Outreach: Public Participation/Involvement: Environmental Health & Safety Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: Physical Plant (Maintenance, Transportation, & Grounds) Engineering & Utilities Construction Site Runoff Control: Engineering & Utilities Post-construction Runoff Control: Facilities Planning – through SFWMD Environmental Permitting Process Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping: Physical Plant (Maintenance, Transportation, & Grounds) Environmental Health & Safety (Training)

7 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The requirements develop, implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges Develop a storm sewer system map showing the location of all outfalls and the names and location of all waters that receive discharges from those outfalls

8 EPA Recommendations Procedures for locating priority areas likely to have illicit discharges Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge Procedures for removing the source of the discharge Procedures for program evaluation and assessment. Visually screening outfalls during dry weather

9 Your Responsibilities You are the eyes of the University. You are expected to: Look for discharges/possible discharges Report any problems to EH&S (7-3129)

10 Where to look Priority Areas Aboveground Storage Tanks Roadway/Parking Lot Storm Drains Storm Sewer Outfalls to El Rio Canal Vehicle/Equipment/Fertilizer Storage Areas

11 What to look for Any type of liquid or solid that could make its way to the storm sewer Chemicals, Oil, Gas, Antifreeze, etc. Trash, Debris, Soil, Fertilizers Suspicious flows during dry weather Water in normally dry ponds Discharges from outflows to canals

12 What if I find a problem? Trash, Debris, etc. Clean-up and dispose of to regular trash Soils, Fertilizers, other solids Notify EH&S. Chemicals, Gas, Diesel, Antifreeze, etc. Notify EH&S immediately Suspicious flows Notify EH&S immediately

13 EH&S will Respond to liquid and solid discharges Chemicals, gas, diesel, antifreeze, etc. Soils, Fertilizers, etc. Find and eliminate source of discharge Perform (or contract out) clean up operations. File any required reports Evaluate program effectiveness and make changes, if necessary.

14 What have you learned? Click here to take the quiz and get credit for this training. Click here

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