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Semana Santa en España. Semana Santa (Holy Week) is one of the most important celebrations in Spain. This is also called Pascua (Easter).

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Presentation on theme: "Semana Santa en España. Semana Santa (Holy Week) is one of the most important celebrations in Spain. This is also called Pascua (Easter)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semana Santa en España

2 Semana Santa (Holy Week) is one of the most important celebrations in Spain. This is also called Pascua (Easter).

3 Las celebraciones People in towns and villages all over Spain take part in Easter celebrations.

4 Domingo de Ramos Domingo de Ramos (Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Holy Week. Many people go to church for a special mass. Children are given a palm branch by their godparents. This represents the olive branches laid on the ground to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem.

5 Semana Santa en Sevilla Seville has some of the most spectacular and elaborate celebrations.

6 Las procesiones Large floats called pasos make their way through the streets. They have religious figures on them. They are often very elaborate and always very heavy!

7 Los costaleros The pasos are carried by groups of men called costaleros. Here they are practising with sandbags. They move very slowly.

8 Viernes Santo Good Friday is commemorated with very serious and sombre processions. They are usually either silent or accompanied by slow drumming.

9 Processions are also accompanied by una banda de música.

10 Los penitentes Los penitentes carry a wooden cross and wear a floppy hood, un antifaz. They are often in processions on Good Friday.

11 Los nazarenos Los nazarenos wear stiff conical hats called capirotes.

12 Los nazarenos

13 Sábado santo – Easter Saturday This is perhaps the most mournful day of processions, as people remember Christs burial.

14 Domingo de la Resurrección Easter Sunday processions are louder and more joyous.

15 Easter Sunday

16 Some of the work that goes into preparing for Semana Santa… Making capirotes for los nazarenos

17 Embroidering the cloths for a paso.

18 Practising carrying el paso

19 ¡Feliz Pascua! Felices pascuas

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