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Case Study: Gold Mining in Senegal Global Citizenship.

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1 Case Study: Gold Mining in Senegal Global Citizenship

2 Gold Mining BBC video (2.5 mins) : Risky gold mining booming in Senegal Risky gold mining booming in Senegal See learner worksheet and answer the questions: 1.Gold is a resource from which profit can be made, but who gains most from it? 2.If a country has lots of gold to be mined, does this make the country develop?

3 Gold Mining Youtube Video (4.5 mins) : Sabodala, Senegal: Poverty in a land of gold Sabodala, Senegal: Poverty in a land of gold See learner worksheet and answer the questions: 1.In this Oxfam America video, what are the main problems caused by gold mining in Sabodala? 2.What benefits might come from gold mining? 3.What would you do to improve the way the gold is mined in Sabodala?

4 Gold Mining in Peru What can mining lead to? BBC Video (1.5 mins) : Peru anti-mine protest crackdown Peru anti-mine protest crackdown See learner worksheet and answer the questions: 1.At the local copper mine, what is the dispute over? 2.Why do you think the miners protest and risk being beaten by police? 3.Should miners have the right to protest? 4.In these videos on Senegal and Peru, do you think a picture of social injustice is painted? And if there is injustice, do you think this will affect the social and economic development of these mining communities?

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