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Introduction…………….page 3 Eyes…………………….page 4 Tongue………………….page 5 Teeth……………………page 6 Conclusion…………… 7 Credits………………… 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction…………….page 3 Eyes…………………….page 4 Tongue………………….page 5 Teeth……………………page 6 Conclusion…………… 7 Credits………………… 8."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction…………….page 3 Eyes…………………….page 4 Tongue………………….page 5 Teeth……………………page 6 Conclusion…………… 7 Credits………………… 8

3 In this presentation we will blow you away with facts you never knew about frogs and toads. The topics we will cover are eyes, tongue and all about the teeth.

4 Some frogs have round pupils like you and me! Some frogs have vertical pupils like cat eyes. They are good for seeing in the night Horizontal shaped pupils are unusual but they are the most common eyes. They are good for seeing in the day. Heart shaped pupils are different they have no purpose but they are so cool. Some frogs have triangular pupils and star shaped pupils!

5 Some frogs tongues are long and sticky. They are used to catch bugs. Toads have tiny tongues and snap at their food with their mouth. Toads are like cats when it comes to catching food. They sneak up on it and pounce on it. 6-14 species of tongue less frogs. They are aquatic African frogs.

6 Guess What!? Frogs have teeth! Their teeth are very small around the upper edge of their jaw. These teeth are called Mixillary Teeth. Frogs often have what are called Vomerine teeth on the top of the roof of their mouth. Frogs dont have any teeth on the bottom jaw. Toads dont have any teeth at all.

7 We hope we gave you a few more things to know about frogs and toads.

8 Credits


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