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Greening Your Office Making your office more energy efficient is simple, cheap and will have a positive impact on our campus. Compiled by Zachary T. Jacobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Greening Your Office Making your office more energy efficient is simple, cheap and will have a positive impact on our campus. Compiled by Zachary T. Jacobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greening Your Office Making your office more energy efficient is simple, cheap and will have a positive impact on our campus. Compiled by Zachary T. Jacobs

2 Meeting SUNY Energy Saving Goals The State University of New York has set a system wide goal of reducing energy. In order to reach that goal SUNY Cantons target is a reduction of 42%. Conserving energy is one of the ways to reach that goal. Reducing energy use also helps the college maintain the quality of its educational programs by saving money. This is particularly important during the budget crisis.

3 Paper According to Green America paper accounts for roughly 40% of all municipal solid waste in the United States. Use recycled paper. Print on both sides of the page when appropriate and use misprints as notepaper. Choose printers and photocopiers that do double-sided printing. Set up PowerPoint presentations to print six slides to a page.

4 Digitize The greenest paper is no paper at all, so use digital formats whenever possible. The more you do online, the less you need paper. Review documents onscreen rather than printing them out. Send emails instead of paper letters.

5 Appliances Use appliances that are provided in departmental lounges and kitchens. Refrain from using small refrigerators, coffee makers, and microwave ovens in private offices. Make sure appliances are unplugged over vacations and the summer.

6 Computers Turn off your computer at night or when your leaving for long periods of time to prevent phantom energy usage. Personally, or seek help to have your energy savings settings enabled on your computer. Contact the Student Athletic Advisory Committee to recycle your ink cartridges on campus.

7 Lighting Use compact fluorescent light bulbs In all floor and desk lamps. (CFLs are four times more efficient and last up to 10 times longer than incandescents. Bulbs typically use 65%-75% less energy than a standard incandescent bulb to provide the same amount of light*) Use small lamps instead of large or overhead lighting. Turn off all lights when you leave the room. Use natural light as much as possible. *Statistics from One Billion Bulbs

8 Heating If your office is unusually warm or cold please contact Physical Plant. Refrain from using small electric space heaters in your office, for both safety and conservation reasons. Regulate your temperature with clothing, cool drinks, opening or insulating the window, etc.

9 Hidden Power Usage According to Green America many appliances have "standby" settings that draw power. Sometimes as much as 15 or 20 watts, even when they're turned off. Make sure that computers, monitors, printers, photocopy machines, televisions, VCRs, DVD players, and microwave ovens are all the way off, pull the plug rather than flipping the switch on the machine. Especially on weekends and breaks make sure that electronics are unplugged. An easy way to do this is through the use of a smart power strip.

10 Garbage/Recycling Separate your garbage: – Trash – Zero-sort recycling Better recycling rates will save the campus money on waste disposal.

11 Lunch Time Bringing lunch to work in reusable containers is likely the greenest way to eat at work. Create a green lunch Kit: – Reusable plate – Utensils – Reusable containers (Tupperware) – Stainless steel or other reusable water bottle. Delivery and takeout almost inevitably ends with excessive waste. But if you do order delivery, join coworkers in placing a large order (To save on containers, bags, and other refuse). If you do go out for lunch, try biking or walking instead of driving.

12 Transportation Advocate for additional routes for the county bus system. Car pool, get together with co-workers that live in your are and make the trip together, saving you money on gas as well as lessen the impact on the environment. If you live close to campus, consider taking an alternative form of transportation, such as a bike.

13 Conclusion SUNY Canton has a target of reducing its energy use by 42%. Conserving energy is one of the steps the campus will have to take to reach this target. Conservation also makes economic sense, especially during the current budget crisis. Conserving energy and greening your office involve small steps and changes that can make a big difference.

14 Citations Green America /shopunshop/buyinggreen/ m /shopunshop/buyinggreen/ m Planet green green/green-work/ green/green-work/

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