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Market Research L.O. To understand what market research is To understand why market research is important To create your own market research questionnaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Research L.O. To understand what market research is To understand why market research is important To create your own market research questionnaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Research L.O. To understand what market research is To understand why market research is important To create your own market research questionnaire

2 Market Research? is any organised effort to gather information about markets or customers. Market research is a key factor to get advantage over competitors. Market research provides important information to identify and analyse the market need, market size and competition.

3 How could you carry out market research? What questions would you need to ask to find out about your market (cereal)?

4 Your Market Research Plan a questionnaire consisting of 15 questions. Must be multiple choice answers

5 TV Adverts L.O To understand what the conventions of a TV ad are To understand how to read a TV ad To begin planning your own TV ad

6 What to consider when creating a TV advert WHAT is being advertising and WHAT is specifically highlighted about the product (the benefits)? WHY this helps sell a product. WHERE this ad might appear in order to reach its target audience.

7 Conventions of an TV advert Image Setting What the product is/Box in shot Target audience Narrative Characters Music Dialogue

8 Coco pops sM&feature=related sM&feature=related What can we say about the conventions used on this advert?

9 Am4 Am4

10 jpw

11 The Apprentice Dance in your pants U8&feature=relmfu U8&feature=relmfu 7.44 – wake up call 1Qw&feature=relmfu 1Qw&feature=relmfu 9.13 – treasure flakes

12 Your ideas Spider diagram your ideas for your tv advert. Image Setting What the product is/Box in shot Target audience Narrative Characters Music Dialogue Image Characters

13 Plenary It is important to advertise on TV because..... It is important to get the TV advert right because.....

14 Storyboarding your TV advert L.O. To use prior knowledge of conventions of TV advert. To plan your TV advert based around conventions. To storyboard your advert.

15 Spider diagram ideas for your own cereal advert for TV You must consider each convention Setting Image What the product is Target audience Narrative Characters Music Dialogue Box in shot

16 Storyboard your TV advert

17 Today 1.Create survey and send out on Studywiz 2.Research What makes a good TV ad? -What do you need to include when putting one together? -Put this information on your powerpoint slide (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) 3. In your groups: spider diagram ideas for your TV advert on your ppt. -Where will it be set? - What characters will be in it? -Music? - Storyline? - Dialogue?

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