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Creating the Ultimate Online Customer-Service Experience Stefan Beeli, Vice President ESP Computer Services Choosing the proper level of Technology A look.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating the Ultimate Online Customer-Service Experience Stefan Beeli, Vice President ESP Computer Services Choosing the proper level of Technology A look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating the Ultimate Online Customer-Service Experience Stefan Beeli, Vice President ESP Computer Services Choosing the proper level of Technology A look at some of your options

2 Overview Online Customer Service-benefits/concerns. Create the ultimate site for you Bronze - No Database Interaction Silver- Simple Database Interaction Gold – Sophisticated DB & tools Tips and Tricks

3 Potential Benefits Customer benefits: 24/7 availability Online access to account information Immediate resolution Customer self service and confirmation Publisher benefits: Satisfied customer Sell more products/subscriptions and cross-sell Gain more demographics Analyze purchasing patterns Reduce costs

4 Think about… You have to offer online customer service. Know the answers before starting. Does it matter if there are a few problems? Isnt something better than nothing? Doesnt your cousin do this stuff? How do I know its working? How do I maintain it?

5 Concerns Stuff Happens - Downtime, Paypal, Google, anyone. Poor Customer Service can result in: Lost sales Lost reputation/brand loyalty Development costs can get out of hand Ongoing maintenance/management Difficult to test all environments Security Risks – credit cards, customer data Lack of visibility into whats happening System error notifications – real time is best… Reporting of lost sales and transactions –incomplete transactions

6 Bronze - Features Features FAQ Customer Service contact info General inquiry forms Basic Forms - New, COA, Renew, Pay Bill Bronze

7 Bronze Benefits Benefits– Better Customer Service Reduce confusion, inquiries, immediate answers 24/7 Availability. Self Service – maybe lower costs Perception of your company Bronze

8 Bronze Concerns Concerns– No Database interaction – cant: Customize renewal offers Verify amount due Automate transactions - more effort/same work Maintenance of site Bronze

9 Silver Features Features – Database Interaction with site Account overview Tailor navigation to customer Automation of transaction processing Ability to share information across the web Customized confirmation emails and letters Silver

10 Silver Benefits Benefits Personalize offers /navigation/messaging Custom renewal/Correct amount due Expose data in real-time (gate-keeping) Easier to order additional products Simple up-sell opportunities Silver

11 Silver Concerns Concerns Need to authenticate user Expose current client data to others Interaction is more expensive to maintain More complex to develop new services Testing and visibility become more difficult Silver

12 Gold Features Features– Ultimate Online XML Web Services Integrated database Interaction Additional self-service tools Customized pop-ups and messaging Custom pricing based on other purchases, demographics, etc.. Management and reporting tools Gold

13 Gold Benefits Benefits– Ultimate customer service Tailored to customers perceived needs Cross-up/selling logic based on complete account view Open standard (XML) used to interact with sites/processes Customer service for group accounts - Warner Invoices generated from recent order; receipts generated from recent payment. Need a real-time database. Real-time and summary reporting Gold

14 Gold Concerns Concerns– Interaction is more expensive to maintain Additional security concerns Additional complexity to manage Works best with real-time integrated database Gold

15 Tips and Tricks Keep it Simple If your goal is paid subscriptions, beware of: Confusing offers/Discount codes Trying to capture too many demographics Required fields (phone, email, fax, etc) Keep customer comfort level in mind. Is web site secure ? How easy is it to complete the transaction ? Is there confirmation and follow-up?

16 Tips and Tricks List customer service contacts on every page. Always Test your site – Often Use different browsers & computers Develop a checklist for regression testing Web server should trap errors and notify in real-time via email or pager Monitor and collect data throughout the transaction process. Problems/Payup stats. Use Analytics – Google Analytics is free! Have someone outside your work test and evaluate

17 Conclusions Online Customer Service has great benefits and also costs. Take them into consideration and choose a model that works for you.

18 Thanks! Stefan Beeli, Vice President ESP Computer Services

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