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Jeanne A. Douglas, Ph.D. Readjustment Counseling Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeanne A. Douglas, Ph.D. Readjustment Counseling Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeanne A. Douglas, Ph.D. Readjustment Counseling Service






7 Outreach and Education Prevention Treatment Employment and Benefits Housing Supportive Services Community Partnerships and Collaborations

8 National Call Center for Homeless Veterans 1 – 877 – 4AID VET (1 – 877 – 242 3838) Immediate assessment with regard to medical or mental health crisis Referral to a shelter in the veterans geographic area Referral to the local VA Point of Contact Person who will respond in 24-48 hours. Homeless veterans website Mobile Healthcare and homeless outreach vehicles

9 Housing assistance grants for community agencies Veterans Justice Outreach Initiative Mortgage Foreclosure and Prevention Services

10 Increased SUD Treatment positions Homeless Veterans Dental Program Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans

11 Hud-VASH Program Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program

12 Support Employment Program (CWT) Therapeutic and Supported Employment Service One Stop Career Centers Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists

13 Project Chaleng Standdowns


15 On any given night there are an equivalent of 17 infantry divisions on the streets of this great nation with no place to call home... over 275,000 veterans. Linda Boone 1999

16 Disabling Psychological Conditions Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Traumatic Brain Injury Sexual Trauma Substance Use Disorders History of Incarceration Poverty Unemployment Lack of Child Support

17 17 Our Story Walk on in

18 18 Services Individual counseling Group counseling Marital and Family Counseling Sexual Trauma Counseling Bereavement Counseling Employment Guidance Referral for Benefits Assistance Walk on in

19 Trust issues Disorganization Angry Not ready to give up substance of choice Shame Stubborn belief that they can handle it alone Unable to handle the large VA facilites

20 In the street Open Door policy Part of our community Patient


22 Medical/Dental/Optical services Housing referrals Disability applications – both VA and Social Security Legal assistance Food assistance Vocational options Showers, haircuts, clothing Fellowship





27 Thank you

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